On Our Watch - 5. End of Watch | S2: New Folsom

Valentino Rodriguez Sr. is on the treadmill one morning when he gets a call—Sgt. Kevin Steele is dead. Val Sr. has lost not only his friend, but his partner in their shared quest to find the truth. A meeting with the FBI provides few answers, even as new questions arise about why a second whistleblower from New Folsom has lost his life.


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Everything Everywhere Daily - The History of Postal Delivery (Encore)

Since humans began to adopt writing systems, they also created systems for passing along written messages. 

For thousands of years, it would have been possible to get messages to distant parts of whatever empire or kingdom you happened to live in, provided you found the right courier and had enough money. 

Today, the entire globe is integrated into a connected postal system, allowing physical messages to be sent between almost any two people.

Learn more about postal deliveries and how our modern system has ancient roots on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Cameron Kieffer


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NPR's Book of the Day - Lucy Sante’s memoir reflects on her experience coming out as transgender in her 60s

Lucy Sante says it was a smartphone app that ultimately pushed her to come out to herself — and the world — as trans in her mid 60s. In her new memoir, I Heard Her Call My Name, the writer and professor chronicles how using the gender swap function on FaceApp ultimately opened a brand new life to her. And she tells NPR's Don Gonyea that though there are a lot of complexities to having that kind of realization later in life, there are also a lot of positive outcomes.

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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘The Achilles Trap’ analyzes the relationship between the U.S. and Saddam Hussein

Early in today's episode, NPR's Mary Louise Kelly asks Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Steve Coll why he felt the need to write The Achilles Trap about the Iraq War amidst so many ongoing world conflicts. Coll explains that he hoped enough time had passed to try to answer a lingering question: Why did Saddam Hussein allow the world to believe he harbored weapons of mass destruction when he didn't? Coll's reporting – which includes Hussein's own audio recordings – unravels decades of tension and miscommunication between the U.S. and Iraq, which ultimately cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Napoleon Bonaparte

In 1804, one of the most significant individuals of the 19th century placed a crown upon his head in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and declared himself Emperor of the French. 

He went on to revolutionize France and French society, which profoundly affected all of Europe. 

His influence was so great the era and the wars of the period were all named after him. 

Learn more about Napoleon Bonaparte, his life, and his accomplishments on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Cameron Kieffer


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Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Little Ice Age (Encore)

Approximately 700 years ago, something happened to the Earth’s climate. 

The world started to cool down. It wasn’t dramatic enough to cause another ice age and cause ice caps to cover the poles of the Earth, but it did result in significant changes. 

In fact, many historians think for a period of about 500 years, this shift in the climate dramatically influenced human history. 

Learn more about the Little Ice Age and how it changed humanity on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.



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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Cameron Kieffer


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Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everythingeverywheredaily

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Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/

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