Everything Everywhere Daily - The Germ Theory of Disease

For thousands of years, many theories have been put forward as to the cause of communicable diseases. 

These theories ranged from the religious to the magical and sometimes quasiscientific, but what they all had in common was that there was no proof for anything. 

Over the centuries these theories became dogma and often prevented a better understanding of diseases. It wasn’t until the 19th century that we got a clear picture of what the cause actually was.

Learn more about the germ theory of disease and why it took so long to recognize on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Ben Long & Cameron Kieffer


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Everything Everywhere Daily - The 1919 Chicago Black Sox Scandal

In October 1919, the champions of the National League, the Cincinnati Reds, faced the champions of the American League, the Chicago White Sox, in the World Series. 

While Cincinnati won the championship on the field five games to three, the series will be forever remembered because of the events surrounding it. Even a hundred years later, it remains one of the most significant events in American professional sports.

Learn more about the 1919 Chicago Black Sox scandal, and how it almost destroyed the game of baseball, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. 


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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Ben Long & Cameron Kieffer


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Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/

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NPR's Book of the Day - Two summer mysteries unravel in ‘The Cliffs’ and ‘The God of the Woods’

Today's episode focuses on two summer reads trying to piece together some pretty big questions. First, NPR's Mary Louise Kelly speaks with J. Courtney Sullivan about The Cliffs, which follows an archivist digging through the history of a seaside Victorian house in Maine — and the generations of women who lived there — at the owner's concern that it's haunted. Then, NPR's Scott Simon asks Liz Moore about The God of the Woods, which grapples with the disappearance of a wealthy family's daughter from a summer camp in the Adirondacks in 1975.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - A History of Textiles, Fabrics, and Cloth

I would say that there is a very good chance that almost everyone listening to the sound of my voice right now is wearing something made of cloth. 

Cloth, textiles, and fabrics go back a very long way, but despite their ancient origins, not every culture had them. 

Yet, where they existed, they were often some of the most valuable commodities, and they were, in some fashion, used by everyone from rich to poor. 

Learn more about cloth, textiles, and fabrics, their origin, and how they’ve changed throughout history on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Ben Long & Cameron Kieffer


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Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/

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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘We Were Once a Family’ examines how the foster care system failed the Hart siblings

In 2018, Jennifer and Sarah Hart drove off a cliff in California, killing themselves and their six adopted children. While much of the media attention focused on the two women, reporter Roxanna Asgarian set off to investigate what had happened to the children's birth families, and why they'd been removed from their care. In today's episode, Asgarian speaks with Here & Now's Deepa Fernandes about her book, We Were Once a Family, and the ways the foster care and child welfare system in the United States pushed the Hart siblings into an abusive and ultimately fatal situation.

To listen to Book of the Day sponsor-free and support NPR's book coverage, sign up for Book of the Day+ at plus.npr.org/bookoftheday

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Battle of Carrhae

In the year 53 BC, Rome suffered one of the greatest military defeats in its history. A Roman army led by Marcus Lucinisu Crassus was led into the desert in present-day Southern Turkey and was systematically destroy by an army from the Kingdom of Parthia. 

The defeat itself didn’t radically weaken Rome, but the death of Crassus led to a chain of events that would result in the end of the Roman Republic. 

It was also the opening salvo in a centuries-long rivalry between Rome and Parthia that would never be definitively resolved.

Learn more about the Battle of Carrhae and how the role it played in the destruction of the Roman Republic on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Ben Long & Cameron Kieffer


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Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everythingeverywheredaily

Twitter: https://twitter.com/everywheretrip

Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/

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Land of the Giants - Disney is a Theme Parks Company

These days the Walt Disney Company is mostly a theme parks company. About 70 percent of its operating income comes from its parks and other experiences like Disney Cruises. But the parks do something else: they help the company attach itself to our emotions, memories, and identities. How can Disney continue to strengthen this relationship in an era where data - not whimsy, fantasy, or even original IP - shapes so much of how we experience the world?

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