Christopher Hermelin has a project called "The Roving Typist," where he writes stories for people in the park on his typewriter. One day last summer, he found his photo posted to Reddit, and suddenly his image was the butt of jokes all over the internet. We talked to him about what it feels like to become a meme.
TLDR - #1.5 – The Bonkers Conclusion to Pronunciation Book
One last update to episode 1 of TLDR. We all found out on Monday that Pronunciation Book (along with horse_ebooks) were part of a collaborative stunt between Jacob Bakkila and Thomas Bender to promote their art project Alternate Reality Game, Bear Stearns Bravo. The Daily Dot's Gaby Dunn, who we spoke to for our original story, figured out that Bakkila was the guy behind Pronunciation Book months ago. In order to convince her not to publish her story, Bakkila manipulated Dunn with a very elaborate series of lies. Weirdly, many of the people in her life were in on those lies, in varying capacities. We did a follow-up interview with Gaby about living her own personal version of the Truman Show, and you should listen because it is bonkers.
the memory palace - Episode 56 (The Rush of the River and the Roar of the Falls)
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There are two pieces of music in this: one is a tweaked loop from "To Here Knows When" by MBV. The other is "Stereo Music for Acoustic Guitar, Bucla Music Box 100, HP Model 236 Oscillator, Electric Guitars, and Computer - Part One" by Keith Fullerton Whitman.
TLDR - #1 – Something Is Going to Happen in 7 Days
A YouTube channel dedicated to pronouncing words suddenly starts issuing ominous warnings, and a reporter tries to get to the bottom of it.
Curious City - Should We Use The ‘L Word’ For Jane Addams?
The Progressive Era activist was many things: a Nobel Peace Prize winner, a social reformer, a feminist. But what about ... a lesbian? And, just why should we know in the first place?