Tempted to ignore the revolving door? Here are the revolutions that made the city a magnet for this seemingly simple device.
Curious City - Half Day Road and the Origins of a Semantic Slip-up
A half day from ... what? Why this suburban myth is not even half true, and why the same mistake was made again 600 miles away.
ABR's Poem of the Week - #6 – Judith Beveridge reads ‘As Wasps Fly Upwards’
Our sixth 'Poem of the Week' is 'As Wasps Fly Upwards' by Judith Beveridge. ABR’s Poetry Editor, Lisa Gorton, introduces Judith who then discusses and reads her poem which won the 2015 Peter Porter Poem Prize.
You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'As Wasps Fly Upwards', by visiting our website: https://www.australianbookreview.com.au/abr-online/archive/2015/154-may-2015-no-371/2546-2015-peter-porter-poetry-prize-winner