Decades ago, Chicago’s Union Stockyards were the source of meat for the country, jobs for the city and ... field trips for Chicago Public School children. Really. (Related to a Curious City story about meatpacking in Chicago.)
Curious City - Little Eddie’s Field Trip: The Union Stock Yards Through the Eyes of an Eighth Grader
Decades ago, Chicago’s Union Stockyards were the source of meat for the country, jobs for the city and ... field trips for Chicago Public School children. Really. (Related to a Curious City story about meatpacking in Chicago.)
the memory palace - Episode 85 (AKA Leo)
Notes Research for this story was largely culled from contemporary newspaper accounts. Check back for a list.
Music * We start off (and end) with You by Nils Frahm. * We’ve got Krolock on the Sledge from Komeda’s great, great score to The Fearless Vampire Hunters. * Jett Rink Theme from Dimitri Tiomkin’s score to Giant. * A little loop of Bandstand, from Thomas Newman’s Little Children score. * And Opening, the vibes pieces, by Nathan Bartlett (making a return appearance). * Oh! And Meet the Neighbors from Marcelo Zarvo’s score to the lovely, Please Give. Which has become the go to soundtrack for “Some borderline scam artist has a crazy idea,” here on the Memory Palace.
ABR's Poem of the Week - #12 – Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet reads ‘Rage To Order’
Curious City - Not in Your Front Yard: Why ‘For Sale’ Signs are Banned in Oak Park
The village insists a decades-old rule to fight blockbusting continues to protect a precious suburban commodity: diversity.
Curious City - Not in Your Front Yard: Why ‘For Sale’ Signs are Banned in Oak Park
The village insists a decades-old rule to fight blockbusting continues to protect a precious suburban commodity: diversity.
Curious City - Have We Hit Peak Mattress? Why Chicago Has So Many Mattress Stores
If this retail mystery’s keeping you up at night, here are answers. Plus: Have we hit peak mattress? Warning: More puns ahead!
Curious City - Have We Hit Peak Mattress? Why Chicago Has So Many Mattress Stores
If this retail mystery’s keeping you up at night, here are answers. Plus: Have we hit peak mattress? Warning: More puns ahead!
ABR's Poem of the Week - #11 – John Kinsella ‘A Spiral.’
the memory palace - Episode 84 (Homesteading)
Notes * I first came the story of Ross, North Dakota, while reading Muslims in America: A Short History, by Edward E. Curtis. * The full WPA interview with Mary Juma (and another member of the Ross community) can be found in Curtis’ The Columbia Sourcebook of Muslims in the United States. * A contemporary account of the Ross community can be found here.
Music *The first bit is a loop from the opening of a song called I. Permafrost by a long-defunct band called Jerseyturnpike made up of a husband/wife duo from San Francisco. Years ago, I went to their wedding in New Jersey. There was a bounce house. It was beautiful. * The piece finishes up with the on-the-nose, This is Home, from Joel P. West’s soundtrack to the terrific film, Short Term 12.