The Nod - Good For The Blacks

Snoop Dogg has a TV show with Martha Stewart. The Tyler Perry movie "Boo! A Madea Halloween" made almost $100 million at the box office. A Black man once held the nuclear codes for President Trump. Sometimes in life we have to decide if a thing is good or bad for the Culture.


Read Vinson Cunningham’s work at The New Yorker:

Follow Aminatou Sow on Twitter. She's @aminatou.

If you are struggling to decide if something is good for the Blacks, email us at goodfortheblacks AT gimletmedia DOT com.

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50 Things That Made the Modern Economy - Paper Money

A young Venetian merchant named Marco Polo wrote a remarkable book chronicling his travels in China around 750 years ago. The Book of the Marvels of the World was full of strange foreign customs Marco claimed to have seen. One, in particular, was so extraordinary, Mr Polo could barely contain himself: “tell it how I might,” he wrote, “you never would be satisfied that I was keeping within truth and reason”. Marco Polo was one of the first Europeans to witness an invention that remains at the very foundation of the modern economy: paper money. Tim Harford tells the gripping story of one of the most successful, and important, innovations of all human history: currency which derives value not from the preciousness of the substance of which it is made, but trust in the government which issues it. Producer: Ben Crighton Editors: Richard Knight and Richard Vadon (Image: Ancient Russian money, Credit: RomanR/Shutterstock)

50 Things That Made the Modern Economy - Limited Liability Company

Nicholas Murray Butler was one of the great thinkers of his age: philosopher; Nobel Peace Prize-winner; president of Columbia University. When in 1911 Butler was asked to name the most important innovation of the industrial era, his answer was somewhat surprising. “The greatest single discovery of modern times,” he said, “is the limited liability corporation”. Tim Harford explains why Nicholas Murray Butler might well have been right. Producer: Ben Crighton Editors: Richard Knight and Richard Vadon (Image: LLC. Credit: Getty Images)

the memory palace - Episode 113 (Elmer McCurdy Rides Again and Again)

The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.




The Nod - Greetings, My Brothas

Eric tries to convince Brittany that Beyoncé is hiding something, but Brittany needs more receipts.



For the full experience, watch “Beyoncé forced Solange to give birth to Blue Ivy EXPOSED” on YouTube:

Shawn Blazington’s YouTube channel:

Celesse’s Beyoncé fan Instagram:

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