The Nod - Ethiopian Lasagna and the Alchemy of Being Black

Writer Hannah Giorgis grew up eating lasagna the Ethiopian way, and she shows Brittany why that is the BEST way. Plus, author Michael Arceneaux describes his new book I Can't Date Jesus as "learning how to ho without the fear of God." He tells Brittany how he gets his life.


Music by Calid B, Cedric Wilson and Takstar.


Check out Hannah's recipe for Ethiopian lasagna.

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The City - Operation Silver Shovel | S1 E6

A criminal flips and wears a wire. Aldermen accept small sums of large bills. The FBI’s investigation may be tainted. "Mount Henry" grows, but shrinks from memory.

There's bonus content for this episode of The City and more at our website:


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Corrections and clarifications: A previous version of Episode 6 of The City misidentified the number of silver pieces Judas received for betraying Jesus. It was 30 pieces of silver.

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City of the Future - 2: Modular Pavement

In our second episode, we explore how modular pavement — which would allow us to embed technologies into our streets — could transform our cities. We talk to Tim Allen, co-founder of a start-up working to make pavement warm up and melt snow (Arctic Heat Technologies); Thierry Sedran, the father of "removable urban pavement"; and Chris Sitzenstock and Cara Eckholm of Sidewalk Labs. 

City of the Future is produced by Benjamen Walker and Andrew Callaway. Our hosts are Vanessa Quirk and Eric Jaffe. Mix by Sharif Youssef. Music is by Adaam James Levine-Areddy (check out his band at For this episode, we also used two songs from the Free Music Archive: "Battle of Pogs" and "Ending" by Komiku. Art is by Tim Kau. Special thanks to all who made this episode possible: Kara Oehler, Claire Mullen, Tim Allen, Thierry Sedran, Chris Sitzenstock, and Cara Eckholm.

Brought to you by... - 12: A Wrench in Tesla

This year, Tesla's image took a hit. The company fell behind on production targets, reports came out that it may be skipping safety tests and making mistakes on the production line, creating more waste. It didn't help that Elon Musk smoked weed on a podcast, attacked a diver rescuing the Thai soccer team, and got sued by the SEC. At the same time, a guy near Boston taught himself how to bring damaged Teslas back to life, and in doing so, he revealed a lot of the cars' flaws. Now the question is: will Tesla support him or stop him?

Undiscovered - Turtle v. Snake

Travis Thomas is a rookie turtle researcher in Florida. He was on the verge of publishing his first big paper and naming two new species of turtle when he found out he’d been scooped by a stranger in Australia: Raymond Hoser, a.k.a. the Snake Man. Raymond is a reptile wrangler and amateur herpetologist who’s managed to name hundreds of animals—and has made a lot of enemies in the process. In this episode of Undiscovered, Travis sets out to get his turtles back, and Annie and Elah set out to find out how and why the Snake Man does what he does.

The City - The “Forrest Gump” of Chicago Crime | S1 E5

A bank failure unearths a connection to the mysterious man in the limo—and suddenly, he’s everywhere. Bribery, fraud and violence are just ways of doing business. The FBI is on the case—but which one? And whose?

There's bonus content for this episode of The City and more at our website:


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  • Daily Harvest: Get three (3) free cups when you use promotion code THECITY at
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the memory palace - Episode 133: Antidisestablishmentarianism

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