Brought to you by... - 28: Victoria’s Secret is Out

For decades, two men at Victoria's Secret have had immense power. One built the chain into a powerhouse. The other ran the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, handpicking the models called "angels." Then many started to question its standards of beauty. So what happens when the company won't change? PLUS: Why is there a company called Big Ass Fans?

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the memory palace - Episode 140: Jackie Mitchell

The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, a collective of independently owned and operated podcasts.


  • We start off with Chez Thomas, by Charles Delarue

  • Go to The Graceful Ghost, one of William Bolcom's 3 Ghost Rags.

  • Then Krzysztof Komeda's Ballet Edude II

  • A touch of Ellington playing A Single Petal on a Rose.

  • Then Concerto no. 5 en la minuer: Allegro ma non molto, as performed by Wilhelm Friedeman Bach and Brigitte Haudbebourg frames...

  • Philharmonics - Piano Sessions found on the Deluxe Edition of Agnes Obel's Philharmonics album.

  • Then we go to Nathaniel Johnson's gorgeous, Penelope's Theme from the score to the delightful film, The Brothers Bloom.

  • Sneeuwland by Oskar Schuster.

  • Judith by Jacob David.


  • I read a bunch of articles on Jackie, but if you're looking for one-stop-shopping that can send you off in other research avenues, I'd probably suggest this article by Zack Harold in Lapham's Quarterly.

50 Things That Made the Modern Economy - Gyroscope

When the HMS Victory sank in 1744, with it went an inventor named John Serson and a device he’d dreamed up. He called it the “whirling speculum”, but we now know the basic idea as a gyroscope. Serson thought it could help sailors to navigate when they couldn’t see the horizon. Nowadays gyroscopes are tiny and, as Tim Harford describes, they are used to guide everything from submarines to satellites, from rovers on Mars to the phone in your pocket. They are also integral to drones – a technology that some believe could transform how we do our shopping. But for that, they’ll need to work in all weathers. Image: A gyroscope (Credit: Getty Images)