Land of the Giants - Why You’ll Never Quit Amazon Prime

With over 100 million members, Prime is the engine that’s made Amazon a retailing juggernaut and one of the largest companies in the world. Jason Del Rey explores how Prime came to be, why it’s so effective at keeping us locked into the Amazon ecosystem, and how it became the source of the company’s power.

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The Nod - The Gamer Godfather You’ve Never Heard Of

Video game consoles were super boring in the early days: you could only switch between a few basic, built-in games — no Super Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog or Legend of Zelda. But that all changed thanks to the contributions of a man named Jerry Lawson. Brittany tells Eric the story of the man who helped make video gaming way more fun, paving the way for the video game industry as we know it today.

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Bammers - Sidewalk Alumni

Can you cheer for Alabama even if you didn’t attend the school? Some snarks feel that way and use the would-be stigma against some of the Crimson Tide’s most passionate and loyal fan base. But they don’t let that deter their spirit. Paul Finebaum, Tim Brando, Laura Rutledge, Ryan Fowler and others discuss the dismissive attitude towards "sidewalk alumni." Famed Finebaum caller Legend, the self-proclaimed president of the Alabama sidewalk alumni, tells his fan story.

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Bammers - World of Alabama Football

A look at Alabama football as a global brand and people from outside of the U.S. who immigrated to the country, settled here and embraced Alabama football culture. Paul Finebaum, Laura Rutledge, Marcus Spears, Cecil Hurt and Marq Burnett talk about the worldwide appeal from the Crimson Tide. Fans from Egypt, France, Japan, Scotland and Taiwan explain why they fell in love with Bama.

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Bammers - What Everyone Else Thinks of Alabama Fans

Alabama fans have a tendency to let the world know what they think of themselves and their favorite football team. And they’ll let rival fan bases know how they feel about those programs and their fans. But what does the outside world think of the Alabama football fan base? We talked to some “outsiders” like Tim Brando, Adam Kramer, Dan Wolken and Paul Finebaum about what the rest of the world thinks of the Crimson Tide faithful.

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Land of the Giants - The Rise of Amazon

Examine how the biggest tech companies rose to power, and what they're doing with that power. In season one, The Rise of Amazon, Recode's senior commerce correspondent Jason Del Rey traces how Jeff Bezos transformed Amazon from an online bookseller to one of the largest companies in the world, and what that means for how we shop, work, and live.

Tuesdays starting July 23rd.

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30 Animals That Made Us Smarter - Whale and wind turbine

The shape of flippers may help with the efficiency of wind turbines, thanks to humpback whales. Bumps on the edge of their flippers assist them, as they power through water. Biologist Frank Fish discovered this when he saw a sculpture. With Patrick Aryee. For more information and animations: Please leave rating and reviews and help us to spread the word. #30Animals