City of the Future - 10: Responsive Architecture

In the last century, we started to design our buildings in a way that was divorced from the environment. We made sealed, hermetic structures that never moved and never changed. But now, technologies and materials are allowing our buildings to move, evolve, and even respond — not only to their environments, but to us, too.

In this episode, hosts Eric Jaffe and Vanessa Quirk discuss the past, present, and future of responsive architecture with Sidewalk Labs' director of public realm Jesse Shapins, engineer and microclimate expert Goncalo Pedro, "Bubbletecture" author Sharon Francis, and renowned architect Liz Diller of Diller Scofidio + Renfro. For a link-rich transcript of this episode, click here.

City of the Future is produced by Benjamen Walker and Andrew Callaway. Mix is by Zach Mcnees. Art is by Tim Kau. Our music is composed by Adaam James Levin-Areddy. If you want to hear more of Adaam’s work, you can check out his band, Lost Amsterdam.



Brought to you by... - 38: The Coed Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) caused a stir when it reversed its “no girls allowed” rule for the Boy Scouts last year. But it turns out, this isn’t the first time the BSA has gone coed. We take a closer look at what happened, and one Sea Scout reflects on how gender affected her experience in the Scouts.

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CORRECTION: An earlier version of this episode made reference to new Boy Scout (now known as Scout BSA) troops including girls and boys. While there are now all-girl and all-boy Scout BSA troops which sometimes participate in activities and events together, there are not currently coed troops.

The City - The Pendulum | S2 E3

Big-game hunters in town for an annual safari convention go to the Wild Orchid looking to let loose. But city police have other plans, marking Reno’s latest swing from permissiveness to restrictiveness.

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the memory palace - Episode 151: The Story of Maria Barberi

The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, a collective of independently owned and operated podcasts.

A note on shownotes. In a perfect world, you go into each episode of the Memory Palace knowing nothing about what's coming. It's pretentious, sure, but that's the intention. So, if you don't want any spoilers or anything, you can click play without reading ahead.



  • Inside River, Pt. 1 by Akira Kosuemura. .

  • Sonata for Solo Cello 1: Dialogo by Ligeti, performed by Miklos Perenyi.

  • All the Land Ablaze by Laura Cannell

  • Frost Trees from Lalo Schiffren's score to The Fox.

  • And Finding the Flag from Georges Delarue's score to The Day of the Dolphin.