Brought to you by... - 52: The Republic of Samsung

Samsung’s founder, his son, and his grandson turned a vegetable and dried fish shop into a global superpower and a symbol of South Korean success. But their fight to keep the company in the family has also landed it at the center of some of South Korea’s biggest corruption investigations. Now, Samsung and South Korea have to figure out what comes next: Can the company continue without its founding family at the helm? And what would that mean for the country Samsung helped build? 

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The British Line of Succession

The British Crown is unquestionably the best-known monarchy in the world. As with all monarchies, there is a strict line of succession featuring many names you’ve probably heard of: Prince Charles, Prince William, and little Prince George.  However, the rules regarding succession are more elaborate than most people realize, and the number of people in the line of succession now goes into the thousands. 

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Land of the Giants - Netflix is Hollywood | Part 2

Netflix hasn’t just disrupted Hollywood, it has become Hollywood. How has that changed the lives of studio executives, movie producers and creators in the entertainment industry? A lot.

Hosts: Peter Kafka & Rani Molla

This podcast is a production of Recode by Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network. This episode was produced by Zach Mack, Bridget Armstrong. Our editor is Charlie Herman. Gautam Srikishan engineered and scored this episode. Nishat Kurwa is the Executive Producer.

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Read Me a Poem - “To the Young Who Want to Die” by Gwendolyn Brooks

Amanda Holmes reads Gwendolyn Brooks’s poem, “To the Young Who Want to Die.” Have a suggestion for a poem by a (dead) writer? Email us: If we select your entry, you’ll win a copy of a poetry collection edited by David Lehman.

This episode was produced by Stephanie Bastek and features the song “Canvasback” by Chad Crouch.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Six Star General

If you look at the list of officer ranks in the United States armed forces, there are 10 ranks listed which are held today They go from Second Lieutenant all the way up to the rank of General, which is the four-star variant of the rank. 

There is a rank above general, a five-star general, which hasn’t been awarded in 70 years. Most people are familiar with these generals as having served in WWII. 

However, there is still one more rank above that of five-star general in the United States Military. 



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Everything Everywhere Daily - The 1960 Popular Vote

There have been 5 acknowledged presidential elections in US history where the winner of the popular vote did not win in the electoral college. However, there is a very good argument to be made that there is a sixth election that should be added to that list. The conventional wisdom holds that John F. Kennedy narrowly beat Richard Nixon in the 1960 popular vote by 112,827 votes. However, to get to this number, you have to put a tortured spin on the numbers from one state in particular.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Jesse Owens vs Usain Bolt: Who Would Win?

Jessie Ownes was the world record holder in the men’s 100m dash and won the gold medal at the 1936 Olympics. Usain Bolt is the current world record holder in the men’s 100m and won 3 gold medals in the event. This episode is going to try and answer an impossible, yet interesting question: who would win in a race between Jessie Owens and Usain Bolt?

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Zero, My Hero

This episode is about nothing.

Not in the sense that Seinfield was a TV show about nothing, but rather this is literally about nothing. 


It is about the number zero. 


A number that few people bother to give much thought to, yet without it, modern mathematics wouldn’t exist and neither would any of the technologies we’ve developed over the centuries.


Learn more about the fascinating history of zero, and why it took so long to develop on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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