Everything Everywhere Daily - Jesse Owens vs Usain Bolt: Who Would Win?

Jessie Ownes was the world record holder in the men’s 100m dash and won the gold medal at the 1936 Olympics. Usain Bolt is the current world record holder in the men’s 100m and won 3 gold medals in the event. This episode is going to try and answer an impossible, yet interesting question: who would win in a race between Jessie Owens and Usain Bolt?

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Zero, My Hero

This episode is about nothing.

Not in the sense that Seinfield was a TV show about nothing, but rather this is literally about nothing. 


It is about the number zero. 


A number that few people bother to give much thought to, yet without it, modern mathematics wouldn’t exist and neither would any of the technologies we’ve developed over the centuries.


Learn more about the fascinating history of zero, and why it took so long to develop on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Army That Never Was

Bluffing is one of the most important aspects of playing poker. In any strategic game, in fact, deception can be critical to success. Warfare is no different. Deceiving an enemy can often mean the difference between winning and losing. Between life and death. During WWII, the allied forces unleashed the largest and most complicated deception in military history. A deception which resulted in the success of the Allied invasion of Europe, and saved thousands, if not tens of thousands of lives.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Time Zone Oddities

Before we created time zones, every village, town, and city had their own local time. You’d set the town’s clock according to when the sun was at its highest point each day, and everything was fine. Eventually, life got faster. Trains began moving between towns and small differences in time began to cause problems. This eventually led to the creation of time zones, so we could get everyone in the world on the same page as far as what time it is.

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Brought to you by... - 51: Not All Fun and Board Games

The original Game of Life was about reaching happy old age, not "Millionaire Acres." And Monopoly was invented by an anti-capitalist who wanted to make a point about landowning and economic inequality. How did these games become the versions we play today? This is the story of how two iconic board games, designed to shape American culture, were instead warped by it.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Rutherford B. Hayes is a Big Deal in Paraguay

Rutherford Birchard Hayes was the 19th president of the United States. He is famous for being the second person to win the presidency without winning the popular vote, and he won in the electoral college by a single vote. The whole election was so shady, he earned the nickname Rutherfraud. Beyond that, there isn’t a whole lot that people remember about the Hayes administration. However, in Paraguay, Rutherford B. Hayes is a really big deal.

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Land of the Giants - Netflix vs. Hollywood | Part 1

Loaning out shows and movies to Netflix used to be a great way for studios to make a little money on the side, until they realized they were training audiences everywhere to watch Netflix. In this episode, we look at how Netflix went from renting content—and breathing new life into shows like Breaking Bad and The Office — to investing heavily in original content and changing Hollywood forever.

Hosts: Peter Kafka & Rani Molla

This podcast is a production of Recode by Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network. This episode was produced by Zach Mack, Bridget Armstrong. Our editor is Charlie Herman. Gautam Srikishan engineered and scored this episode. Nishat Kurwa is the Executive Producer.

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