Everything Everywhere Daily - Moving Day in New York

Since the year 1790, New York City has been the largest city in the United States. Given the population density of the city, the vast majority of the people there rent apartments. Now imagine if everyone in New York who switched apartments had to do so on the exact same day every year. Well, this was the reality in New York for over a century. Learn more about moving day in New York City on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Did Gutenburg Really Invent the Printing Press?

The printing press is considered to be one of, if not the greatest invention in history. The printing press allowed for an explosion in information and it ushered in the renaissance, the enlightenment, and the scientific and industrial revolutions. As such, Johannes Gutenberg is often considered one of the most important people in history. But did Gutenberg actually invent the printing press? Should he be given credit for this important invention?

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Dunbar Number

There is a number, a very special number, which is inside all of us. It is inside you, inside me, and inside every person on Earth. It dictates our social interactions. It has determined the size of communities, Christmas Card lists, and has implications for social media. Learn more about the Dunbar Number on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Curious City - Did All Chicagoans Support The Civil War?

In this week’s episode we revisit a question we first answered in 2018. What was Chicago’s response to the Civil War? Chicagoans support for the war was actually quite varied and changed as the war progressed. To answer the question we focus on the experience of Irish Americans and African-Americans and look at how the war went from popular to controversial in Chicago in just a few years.

60 Songs That Explain the '90s - Metallica—“Enter Sandman”

Rob explores thrash metal icon Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” by discussing the band’s trajectory from their early work to their mainstream turn and their wide influence thereafter.

This episode was originally produced as a Music and Talk show available exclusively on Spotify. Find the full song on Spotify or wherever you get your music

Host: Rob Harvilla

Guest: Dave Chang

Producers: Isaac Lee and Justin Sayles

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Everything Everywhere Daily - D.B. Cooper

On November 24, 1971, a man who identified himself as Dan Cooper purchased a $20 ticket for a short 30-minute flight from Portland to Seattle. He had with him a briefcase filled with dynamite and wanted $200,000. After getting his money, the plane took off again, Dan Cooper took the money, jumped out of the plane and into history. Learn more about DB Cooper, and the world’s only unsolved skyjacking, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Surströmming: The World’s Smelliest Food

There are many foods that are considered an acquired taste. Foods that might not be very palatable the first time you try it, or something that just doesn’t sit right with most people. It could be something as simple as blue cheese, or something like the Filipino delicacy, balut, which is a boiled, fertilized egg with the embryo still inside. Sweden has its own acquired taste delicacy which has spawned hundreds of reaction videos as people and caused it to be banned by airlines.

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