By Bev Yockelson
Everything Everywhere Daily - Jack the Ripper
In 1888, the city of London was terrorized by its most infamous serial killer. Anywhere between 5 and 11 murders were committed over a three-year period in the Whitechapel area of London, and the crimes have never been solved.
In the decades since then, a cottage industry has developed of amateur sleuths who have tried to determine the identity of this killer, that the newspapers dubbed Jack the Ripper.
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Audio Poem of the Day - Two Nudes
By Mary Jo Bang
Everything Everywhere Daily - The Super Bowl
One Sunday every year, the United States celebrates its biggest non-official holiday: Super Bowl Sunday.
The championship game of the National Football League is almost always the biggest television audience of the year, and one of the most expensive tickets for any sporting event.
However, it wasn’t always that way. In fact, it wasn’t even called the Super Bowl.
Learn more about the Super Bowl and how it became so big on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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Audio Poem of the Day - Dream of Ink Brush Calligraphy
By Karen An-Hwei Lee
Everything Everywhere Daily - AM/FM
For over 100 years, radio has been one of the biggest mediums for communication, information, and entertainment. It was the first true broadcast medium.
However, recent technical and demographic changes have made the future of radio, or at least some of the bands, doubtful.
Learn more about AM and FM radio, its past, present, and future, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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Audio Poem of the Day - Harold and the Purple Crayon
By D. Gilson
Everything Everywhere Daily - Tulipmania!
In the 17th century, the Netherlands was struck by the world’s first investment bubble. They weren’t investing in stocks or bonds or real estate. They were investing in…..tulip bulbs.
Tulip bulbs became a mania and even common people were spending money on tulips. The price of some tulip bulbs rose so high that at one point a single bulb was worth 10 times the annual salary of a laborer.
Learn more about Tulipmania on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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Audio Poem of the Day - From “Mankindness”
by Christina Davis
Curious City - From Plastic Bags To Hot Potatoes: Hacks For Staying Warm This Winter
Chicago winters can be long and brutal. Curious City’s Monica Eng spoke with postal workers and other Chicagoans who spend a lot of time outdoors about how they dress for warmth during the winter. Also, we hear from a listener who asks what happens to the colorful landscaping along Michigan Avenue during the winter months.