Curious City - From Plastic Bags To Hot Potatoes: Hacks For Staying Warm This Winter

Chicago winters can be long and brutal. Curious City’s Monica Eng spoke with postal workers and other Chicagoans who spend a lot of time outdoors about how they dress for warmth during the winter. Also, we hear from a listener who asks what happens to the colorful landscaping along Michigan Avenue during the winter months.

60 Songs That Explain the '90s - Dr. Dre—“Nuthin’ But a G-Thang”

Rob explores legendary producer Dr. Dre’s iconic debut album ‘The Chronic’ and its lead single, “Nuthin’ But a G-Thang,” by discussing Dre’s extraordinary chemistry with other rappers, his towering influence on West Coast gangsta rap, and his dark history of violence against women.

This episode was originally produced as a Music and Talk show available exclusively on Spotify. Find the full song on Spotify or wherever you get your music.

Host: Rob Harvilla

Guest: Sheldon Pearce

Producers: Isaac Lee and Justin Sayles

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Smallest Country in the World

How small can a country be and still be a country? In theory, there is no lower limit on the number of people to be a sovereign state. However, in reality, there are costs associated with being an independent country. The fewer the number of people, the higher the cost for everyone in the country. There is one country that has managed to remain an independent republic for over 50 years with a population of only about 10,000 people.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The 1937 Soviet Census

In 1936, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin determined it was time for the Soviet Union to have another census. They hadn’t conducted one since 1926 and he wanted some actual numbers to show the world the success of the Soviet system. Needless to say, the numbers were not what Stalin had expected….and promised. Learn more about the 1937 Soviet Census, the census that exposed Stalin, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Read Me a Poem - “Miniature Snowstorm” by Rosamund Stanhope

Amanda Holmes reads Rosamund Stanhope’s poem, “Miniature Snowstorm.” Have a suggestion for a poem by a (dead) writer? Email us: If we select your entry, you’ll win a copy of a poetry collection edited by David Lehman.

This episode was produced by Stephanie Bastek and features the song “Canvasback” by Chad Crouch.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Extraterritoriality

A common misconception that many people have is that embassies are part of the territory of the country that owns the embassy. For example, the American embassy in Canada is part of the United States. This is not quite true. The theory covering how an embassy or a diplomat works deals with the concept of extraterritoriality. Learn more about extraterritoriality, the thing which makes international relations function, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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