Everything Everywhere Daily - The Mount Tambora Eruption

In 1815, one of the most catastrophic and deadly events in recorded human history occurred in Indonesia. A volcanic explosion took place which was larger than anything, any human had ever witnessed in over 10,000 years. The total death toll from the event might have been as high as a quarter-million people. Learn more about the Mount Tambora explosion on this Episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Odessa - Part 4: Wellness Check

This episode contains references to mental health challenges, including eating disorders.

Joanna Lopez, the high school senior we met in our first episode of Odessa, has turned inward: staying in her bedroom, ghosting friends and avoiding band practice. But playing with the marching band at the last football game of her high-school career offers a moment of hope that maybe, one day, things will get better.

In the finale of our four-part series, we listen as the public health crisis becomes a mental health crisis in Odessa.

Everything Everywhere Daily - J. Harlen Bretz: Proving Theories Via Outliving Your Critics

Many people have an idealized view of how science works. They think that someone makes a discovery or publishes a paper, then everyone acknowledges their discovery, and everyone moves on to the next thing. Science! However, that isn’t quite how things work in reality. The real advancement of science can be quite messy. One man learned this the hard way. Learn more about J Harlen Bretz and how he changed a scientific discipline through determination and longevity.

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Curious City - Who Tolls The Bells In Chicago?

If you hear church bells ring in the Chicago-area, it’s likely they’re automated. Some bell systems are pneumatic or electronic. Others pipe digital hymns through amplifiers. But do real people ever ring real bells? That’s the question we’re exploring in this week’s episode. And the answer is yes! We head to five different spots, each with its own sound, unique history and distinct community.

The Anthropocene Reviewed - Penguins of Madagascar and the Smallpox Vaccine

Preorder The Anthropocene Reviewed book, out May 18, 2021: https://sites.prh.com/anthropocenereviewedbook

Join John Green and special guests on the The Anthropocene Reviewed virtual book tour! Each ticket purchased will grant access to the respective live event and include a signed copy of The Anthropocene Reviewed.  Ticket links and more information at http://www.johngreenbooks.com/appearances

Tour dates:
Monday, May 17th at 4:30 PM PT / 7:30 PM ET
Northeast Event in partnership with The Wilbur Theatre
With special guest Clint Smith

Tuesday May 18th at 7:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM ET
Western Event
With special guest Sarah Green

Wednesday, May 19th at 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET
Southern Event
With special guest Hank Green

Saturday, May 22nd at 1:00 PM CT / 2:00 PM ET
Midwest Event
With special guest Ashley C. Ford

For every ticket purchased, $2 will be donated to Partners In Health. $1 is included in the ticket price, and my publisher Dutton will match every $1.

The Anthropocene Reviewed - Penguins of Madagascar and the Smallpox Vaccine

Preorder The Anthropocene Reviewed book, out May 18, 2021: https://sites.prh.com/anthropocenereviewedbook

Join John Green and special guests on the The Anthropocene Reviewed virtual book tour! Each ticket purchased will grant access to the respective live event and include a signed copy of The Anthropocene Reviewed.  Ticket links and more information at http://www.johngreenbooks.com/appearances

Tour dates:
Monday, May 17th at 4:30 PM PT / 7:30 PM ET
Northeast Event in partnership with The Wilbur Theatre
With special guest Clint Smith

Tuesday May 18th at 7:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM ET
Western Event
With special guest Sarah Green

Wednesday, May 19th at 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET
Southern Event
With special guest Hank Green

Saturday, May 22nd at 1:00 PM CT / 2:00 PM ET
Midwest Event
With special guest Ashley C. Ford

For every ticket purchased, $2 will be donated to Partners In Health. $1 is included in the ticket price, and my publisher Dutton will match every $1.