The Improvement Association - Chapter One: ‘The Big Shadoo’

Following a notorious case of election fraud in Bladen County, North Carolina, in 2018, the reporter Zoe Chace gets an invitation from Horace Munn, the leader of the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC, a Black political advocacy group whose name was dragged into the scandal. Horace asks Zoe to come down and investigate for herself and find out who is really cheating.

Sudhir Breaks the Internet - 1. Designed to Tear Us Apart

When online anger turned to offline violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, the big social media companies responded by kicking some users — including the president himself — off their platforms. What led to that decision? Was it an overreach? And what role did they really play in the events that took place? Sudhir explores how social media is built to encourage bad behavior, and why one afternoon of unrest can’t overcome a decades-old mindset in Silicon Valley that blinds them to this reality.

Everything Everywhere Daily - The Non-Spanish Languages of Spain

Most people think of languages and countries usually coincide. Germans speak German, the French speak French, and the Spanish speak Spanish. While this is largely true, it isn’t totally true. There are a host of small, regional languages which are only spoken by a few people. These languages are often ignored because they aren’t associated with a country. Learn more about the languages in Spain which are not Spanish on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Charles Cunningham Boycott

Charles Cunningham Boycott was not a well-liked person amongst his neighbors in Ireland. No one would talk to him, no one would sell to him, and no one would work for him. He was so disliked that his very name became synonymous with refusing to do business with someone. Learn more about Charles Cunningham Boycott and how his name became a part of the English language on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Wrestlemania

Every year, around this time, one of the largest entertainment events is held. Wrestlemania. However, this isn’t just a wrestling show. How it came about is a story of business consolidation, modern media, and celebrity culture. Even if you aren’t a fan of professional wrestling, the story behind the business of Wrestlemania is fascinating. Learn more about Wrestlemania on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Assassination of James A. Garfield

At 9:30 am on July 2, 1881, at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C., James Garfield, President of the United States was fatally shot. It is an event that, quite frankly, doesn’t really get the attention that other political assassinations have received. The story behind how and why it happened is as fascinating as any in American History. Learn more about the Assassination of President Garfield on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Odessa - Part 3: The Band Bus Quarantine

Last fall, as Odessa High School brought some students back to campus with hybrid instruction, school officials insisted mask wearing, social distancing and campus contact tracing would keep students and faculty safe. And at the beginning of the semester, things seemed to be going OK. But then a spike in coronavirus cases hit town, putting the school’s safety plan to the test. 

In part three of our four-part series, we follow what happened when a student quarantine stretched the school’s nurses to capacity, fractured friendships and forced some marching band members to miss a critical rite of passage: the last football game of their high school career.