By Jennifer Firestone
Bammers - Cecil Hurt in 2018
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Everything Everywhere Daily - Who Were The Pilgrims?
If you are an American, you probably grew up hearing the story of Thanksgiving. How the pilgrims came to America to escape religious persecution to establish a new life. But who were the pilgrims really? Were they really persecuted? Why did they decide to cross the ocean? And how did they end up where they did? Learn more about the pilgrims and everything that happened before the first Thanksgiving, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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Once Upon a Time… at Bennington College - S2 | Ep 12: Sensational Sensationalism
New York City. Spring of 1987 to Spring of 1991. Patrick Bateman is born.
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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘Calvin’ shows how transgender kids can express who they really are
60 Songs That Explain the '90s - DMX—“Ruff Ryder’s Anthem”
Rob explores the spiritual genius of the late rapper DMX. He observes X’s power of prayer, recounts the rapper’s destructive childhood, and tells the tale of how the breakout hit “Ruff Ryder’s Anthem” came to be.
This episode was originally produced as a Music and Talk show available exclusively on Spotify. Find the full song on Spotify or wherever you get your music.
Host: Rob Harvilla
Guest: Shea Serrano
Producer: Justin Sayles
Associate Producer: Lani Renaldo
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the memory palace - Episode 189: New England Granite
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX.
A note on notes: We’d much rather you just went into each episode of The Memory Palace cold. And just let the story take you where it well. So, we don’t suggest looking into the show notes first.
Midnight Moon from Annalisa Tornfelt and Gideon Fraudmann’s album, Spring Breakup: Songs for Alaska.
A couple of numbers from Marcelo Zarvos’ wonderful score to the wonderful, Please Give.
A remarkable piece of music called Spectacle of Ritual by Kali Malone
And another called Pauvre Simon from Sylvain Chauveau
Audio Poem of the Day - Report to Crazy Horse
Bammers - Growing Out of Alabama Football
Does one lose the love for Alabama football? Despite the success and tradition, can the passion for it really just fade away? And what if you never cared about football at all?
Josh Bean, former sports writer/editor
Francesca Scalici, Birmingham resident who does not care about football
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Everything Everywhere Daily - Pitcairn Island
On April 28, 1789, the crew of the HMS Bounty engaged in a mutiny against their despotic captain, William Bligh. After being sent out on a rowboat, the rest of the crew sailed to an uninhabited island, sank the ship, and set up home. The descendants of those mutineers are still living on that island today. Their home has become one of the most unique and remote communities in the world.
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