By Elizabeth Bishop
Everything Everywhere Daily - Banana Republics
The term “banana republic” is often used pejoratively to describe small, poor, unstable developing countries. Being called a banana republic is never a good thing. However, that term has a very real origin which involved actual bananas, mercenaries, corporate money, and the American government. Learn more about Banana Republics, where the name comes from, and the history behind them, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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NPR's Book of the Day - NPR’s Short Wave: ‘An Outsider’s Guide to Humans’
Curious City - Do Speed Humps Work?
Audio Poem of the Day - Fifi
By Linda Kunhardt
Everything Everywhere Daily - The Vasa
The Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus oversaw the rise of Sweden as one of the great powers in Europe. In 1626, he ordered the construction of a warship that would be the most powerful floating platform in Northern Europe. Its maiden voyage in 1628 was one of the most memorable of any ship in history. Learn more about the Vasa, its incredible maiden voyage, and its status today, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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Once Upon a Time… at Bennington College - S2 | Ep 13: The Farmer’s Granddaughter
Cambridge, Massachusetts and New York, New York. Spring of 1986 to Fall of 1994. The Secret History is published. Plus, “The Purge” comes to Bennington.
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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘All That She Carried’ weaves together generations of Black women
60 Songs That Explain the '90s - Spice Girls—“Wannabe”
Rob explores the Fierce Five, a.k.a. the Spice Girls, who became the biggest-selling girl group in the world following the success of their smash hit “Wannabe.” Rob tracks their rise to international stardom, a failed film, and the attempt to spread “Girl Power” across the globe.
This episode was originally produced as a Music and Talk show available exclusively on Spotify. Find the full song on Spotify or wherever you get your music.
Host: Rob Harvilla
Guest: Laura Snapes
Producer: Justin Sayles
Associate Producer: Lani Renaldo
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