The Trojan Horse Affair - Part 1: The Letter in the Brown Paper Envelope

A strange letter appears outlining a plot by Islamic extremists to infiltrate Birmingham schools. Hamza and Brian visit the supposed mastermind of the plot, and he tells them he did take over a bunch of schools – just not for the reasons in the letter.To get full access to this show, and to other Serial Productions and New York Times podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, subscribe at To find out about new shows from Serial Productions, and get a look behind the scenes, sign up for our newsletter at Have a story pitch, a tip, or feedback on our shows? Email us at 

Everything Everywhere Daily - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

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On February 25, 1959, a group of 10 hikers set out in the middle of the Russian Winter on what was to be a 10-day excursion into the wilderness. 

One of the hikers returned early. The other nine were never heard from again. 

Week’s later their bodies were found, and it spawned a mystery that researchers are still trying to solve. 

Lear more about the Dyatlov Pass Incident on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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Curious City - People Who Quit Their Jobs During COVID Share Their Stories

By now you’ve probably pretty familiar with that term the “Great Resignation.” We asked our listeners why they quit their jobs and how they’re doing now. We heard from more than a hundred people who talked about burnout, stress and toxic workplaces. And we heard a lot about the fear and risk that comes with quitting a job you know. In this episode we share some of those stories.

Curious City - People Who Quit Their Jobs During COVID Share Their Stories

By now you’ve probably pretty familiar with that term the “Great Resignation.” We asked our listeners why they quit their jobs and how they’re doing now. We heard from more than a hundred people who talked about burnout, stress and toxic workplaces. And we heard a lot about the fear and risk that comes with quitting a job you know. In this episode we share some of those stories.

NPR's Book of the Day - How did humans get here? Historian Yuval Noah Harari is thrilled to tell you

Historian Yuval Noah Harari wrote a book back in 2015 that looked at the entirety of human history; from hunter-gatherers to space exploration. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind packs all of this into a mere 400 pages. Harari noted to NPR's Arun Rath that humans have done a great job cultivating power – but where we tend to fall short is translating that power into happiness.

Everything Everywhere Daily - Why Isn’t the West Indies a Single Country?

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If you have ever looked at a map of the Caribbean, you might have noticed that the tiny islands in the Lesser Antilles consist of a whole bunch of tiny, independent countries. 

All of these countries became independent around the same time, got their independence from the same country: Great Britain.

Given their common history and location, why are they a bunch of separate tiny countries rather than one larger one? 

Learn more about the West Indies and their modern history, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘South To America’ makes the case that southern history shaped our nation

Author Imani Perry is a child of the South. In her newest book South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation, she gives the reader a look at the South's complicated history, interwoven with her own personal anecdotes. Even though the South has a difficult history, Perry contends, it provides important context for America today. Perry told NPR's Mary Louise Kelly that in order to write this book she had to stop romanticizing the place she calls home – and, instead, look at it starkly.

60 Songs That Explain the '90s - “It’s Good to Be King”—Tom Petty

Rob explores the joy, terror, and fulfillment of fatherhood through one of classic rock’s dynamic frontmen, Tom Petty. Rob runs down Petty’s career, including his MTV music video impact, the ‘Wildflowers’ standout “It’s Good to Be King,” and how Petty prepared him for the most transformative experience of his life. Plus, a big announcement about the future of the show.

This episode was originally produced as a Music and Talk show available exclusively on Spotify. Find the full song on Spotify or wherever you get your music.

Host: Rob Harvilla

Guest: Stephen Rodrick 

Producer: Justin Sayles

Associate Producer: Devon Renaldo

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