NPR's Book of the Day - Viet Thanh Nguyen follows Pulitzer winning ‘The Sympathizer’ with ‘The Committed’

Viet Thanh Nguyen's novel The Committed follows the same unnamed character we met in his Pulitzer-winning thriller, The Sympathizer. The character is now in Paris; having become disillusioned with the revolution he was a part of when we last saw him, he hasn't given up on the idea entirely. Nguyen told NPR's Scott Simon the book is also about colonization: He "wanted it to be set in a Paris that was not the tourist Paris or the romantic Paris. [It's] a novel about French ideas and French Revolution and French colonialism, but it's also a crime thriller set in these immigrant neighborhoods."

Oprahdemics - Oprah And The LA Riots

In 1992, in the midst of the LA riots, Oprah moved her show to Los Angeles to tackle the ongoing fallout of the Rodney King verdict. The result? One of the most memorable - and boisterous - Oprah episodes.

Special guest: Elizabeth Hinton, historian and author of “America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion Since the 1960s”

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Producer Nina Earnest, Executive Producer Jody Avirgan. Artwork by Jonathan Conda.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Battle of Yarmouk

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From August 15 to August 20, in the year 636, one of the most important battles in history took place. 

The participants in the battle couldn’t have known it, but the results of that battle would shape world history for the next 1400 years.  

Much of the geography of the world today, can be traced back to the results from those six days.

Learn more about the Battle of Yarmouk, one of the most important battles in world history, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘The Vortex’ investigates how climate catastrophes can have unexpected consequences

In 1970, a cyclone tore through Pakistan and the political lines that existed, leading to genocide and very nearly a nuclear war in the country. Author Scott Carney was curious about this catastrophe but also how these extreme weather events, which are only becoming more common, have political consequences. Carney told NPR's Steve Inskeep that we will almost certainly face similar problems in the future, so we should be wary of today's unstable political systems.

Everything Everywhere Daily - Philippe Petit and the Artistic Crime of the Century

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On the morning of August 7, 1974, the people of New York City woke up to witness one of the most incredible sights that the city had ever seen. 

Between the two towers of the New York World Trade Center, 1,350 feet off of the ground, was a man who was waking on a wire.

It was audacious. It was incredible. It was also totally illegal. 

Learn more about Philippe Petit and the artistic crime of the century, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


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Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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Everything Everywhere is an Airwave Media podcast." or "Everything Everywhere is part of the Airwave Media podcast network

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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘Booth’ looks at the family life of President Lincoln’s notorious assassin

Author Karen Joy Fowler thinks John Wilkes Booth craved attention – and that gotten his fair share of it. So her new novel, Booth, instead focuses on his family. Their history might surprise you, given how John turned out. His grandfather was a part of the Underground Railroad. Fowler told NPR's Scott Simon that because of all we know about Booth's family, the path that John took is one of life's great mysteries. And, no, she hasn't solved it.

Read Me a Poem - “Tell all the truth but tell it slant” by Emily Dickinson

Amanda Holmes reads Emily Dickinson’s poem “Tell all the truth but tell it slant.” Have a suggestion for a poem by a (dead) writer? Email us: If we select your entry, you’ll win a copy of a poetry collection edited by David Lehman.


This episode was produced by Stephanie Bastek and features the song “Canvasback” by Chad Crouch.

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The Superhero Complex - 2: A Phoenix Rises

Every superhero has an origin story. David travels to Seattle to come face to face with Phoenix for the first time, but their meeting raises more questions than it answers.

The Superhero Complex is produced by Novel for iHeartRadio.

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