NPR's Book of the Day - ‘Covered in Night’ compares colonial and Indigenous approaches to justice

In this episode, we're going back in time to 1722 to examine the different approaches to justice between Native Americans and Pennsylvania colonists in the Pulitzer Prize-winning book Covered with Night: A Story of Murder and Indigenous Justice in Early America by historian Nicole Eustace. In an interview with Here & Now's Scott Tong, Eustace discusses how reparative justice has deep roots in American history.

Everything Everywhere Daily - Mata Hari

During World War I, a Dutch dancer and courtesan was recruited by the French as a spy.

However, not long after this, the French turned on her and accused her of being a double agent and spying for Germany. 

It was a case that rocked the allied powers and one which is still being talked about over 100 years after the events which took place.

Learn more about Mata Hari and the story which captivated the world, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Executive Producer: Darcy Adams

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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Land of the Giants - “Facebook Gets A Facelift”

Long before Mark Zuckerberg renamed Facebook Meta and made an unprecedented pivot into the metaverse, he invented a feature that turned Facebook into a social network behemoth. The News Feed, which put your friends’ status updates onto your homepage, changed the way we interact online. It was a strong statement of Zuckerberg’s values: that connecting, and sharing, at scale would be de-facto good for the world. It was also his first public controversy.

  • Hosted by Shirin Ghaffary (@shiringhaffary) and Alex Heath (@alexeheath)
  • Subscribe for free. Be the first to hear next week's episode by hitting the plus sign in your favorite podcast app
  • Follow @recode and @verge for more coverage of Meta and Big Tech

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NPR's Book of the Day - In ‘Poet Warrior’, Joy Harjo uses poetry to deal with pain and heal

In celebration of the new U.S. poet laureate this year, Ada Limón, today's episode revisits another poet laureate's conversation with Michel Martin about how poetry has been used to deal with pain and healing. Joy Harjo, who has been the U.S. poet laureate since 2019 says she has always been drawn to healing ever since she was little. She even studied pre-med in college. But it wasn't until Harjo heard Native poets that she realized "this is a powerful tool of understanding and affirmation." She shares her poetry and story in the book, Poet Warrior.

60 Songs That Explain the '90s - “Closer”—Nine Inch Nails

Rob reminisces about the first time he heard “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails, the state of industrial rock during that time, and his deep love for Trent Reznor.

Host: Rob Harvilla

Guests: William Hutson and Jonathan Snipes from .clipping

Producers: Justin Sayles and Devon Renaldo

Associate Producer: Jonathan Kermah

Additional Production: Kai Grady

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Imaginary Numbers

In the history of mathematics, there were several times when mathematicians encountered problems that they didn’t know what to make of.

It wasn’t a case of a problem with a very difficult solution so much as it was a problem that didn’t seem to make any sense. 

In one such case, the resolution of the problem led to an entirely new branch of mathematics.

Learn more about imaginary numbers, aka complex numbers, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Executive Producer: Darcy Adams

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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Everything Everywhere is an Airwave Media podcast." or "Everything Everywhere is part of the Airwave Media podcast network

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NPR's Book of the Day - In ‘Fresh Banana Leaves’ an indigenous approach to fighting climate change

According to Jessica Hernandez, "as long as we protect nature, nature will protect us." Hernandez, from the Maya Ch'ortí and Zapotec nations, is a University of Washington postdoctoral fellow. In her new book, Fresh Banana Leaves, she makes a plea for the climate conversation to include indigenous expertise, and highlights practices she believes should be more widespread. In an interview with Celeste Headlee on Here and Now, Hernandez said that, if we want to be successful in the fight against climate change, we need to listen to those who have spiritual connections to Mother Earth.

Read Me a Poem - “An Introduction” by Kamala Das

Amanda Holmes reads Kamala Das’s poem “An Introduction.” Have a suggestion for a poem by a (dead) writer? Email us: If we select your entry, you’ll win a copy of a poetry collection edited by David Lehman.


This episode was produced by Stephanie Bastek and features the song “Canvasback” by Chad Crouch.

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