Everything Everywhere Daily - The World’s Greatest Wagers

Throughout history, people have bet on everything and anything. From the mundane to the extremely important. From casino bets to bets on science, and even the future of humanity. 

These bets can serve as vehicles to win or lose tons of money or as a way to prove a point. Other times they are just done on a lark. 

Either way, bets, and wagers have literally shaped history. 

Learn more about some of the world’s greatest wagers on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘Hello Beautiful’ and ‘Pineapple Street’ examine the closeness between sisters

Today's episode is all about family. First, Ann Napolitano speaks with NPR's Scott Simon about her new novel, Hello Beautiful, and the intergenerational trauma that can surface even when everything seems perfect on the outside. Then, Simon asks Jenny Jackson about her funny yet thought-provoking debut, Pineapple Street, which follows three women from a well-off Brooklyn family taking stock of their own privilege.

Everything Everywhere Daily - Fallacious Reasoning (Encore)

We are often told that schools are where you learn how to think, not what to think. Sadly, almost no school curriculum deals directly with logic and the closely related subject of logical fallacies. 

Fallacies are all around us. Just read something online or watch a few minutes of television and you’ll probably encounter examples of people using fallacious reasoning and logical fallacies. In fact, you’ve probably engaged in it yourself. We’re all guilty of it. 

Learn more about some of the common logical fallacies on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. 

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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


Become a supporter on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/everythingeverywhere

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Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UkRUJFh

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everythingeverywhere/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everythingeverywheredaily

Twitter: https://twitter.com/everywheretrip

Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/

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NPR's Book of the Day - Patricia Park’s new YA novel captures the complexities of race and adolescence

Imposter Syndrome and Other Confessions of Alejandra Kim follows a Korean-Argentinian teen's journey to understanding who she is. Through the comfort of her multicultural home in Queens to the hallways of her ultra-woke, elite prep school in Manhattan, Alejandra grapples with academics, the politics of school lunch, and even a microaggression from her own teacher. As author Patricia Park tells Here & Now's Robin Young, it's a story about how quickly the world is changing – and how conversations about race are or aren't keeping up.

Everything Everywhere Daily - Ramadan

Once a month, every year, Muslims around the world celebrate Ramadan. 

It is a month of fasting, prayer, and introspection, and it is the most important date on the Islamic calendar.

However, the exact dates of Ramadan change every year, and the exact date it starts is often a matter of interpretation. 

Learn more about Ramadan and how it is celebrated on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


Become a supporter on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/everythingeverywhere

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Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UkRUJFh

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everythingeverywhere/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everythingeverywheredaily

Twitter: https://twitter.com/everywheretrip

Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/

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