NPR's Book of the Day - ‘This Is Salvaged’ explores the mishaps of intimacy and communication

Vauhini Vara started writing some of the stories in This Is Salvaged when she was still in her 20s, two decades ago. From the complicated tension between two sisters to the way one mother chooses to selectively share information with her daughter, the stories in the book focus on the way people — primarily women — can struggle to connect with one another despite their best efforts. In today's episode, Vara tells Here & Now's Deepa Fernandes how time away provided perspective on her characters, and how she uses awkward or uncomfortable situations as jumping off points for her writing.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

On the evening of April 14, 1865, the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was shot while attending a play in Washington DC.

The assassination wasn’t a random act. It had been planned for weeks, multiple people were involved in the conspiracy, and he was ultimately one of the final casualties of the war. 

The weeks after the assassination saw the greatest outpouring of grief the country had ever experienced and a series of unprecedented trials.

Learn more about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, how it happened, and its aftermath on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.



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Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Cameron Kieffer


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Everything Everywhere Daily - Encyclopedias

Ever since humans began writing down information, there has been a desire to compile all known information into one single source. 

For over two thousand years, people have attempted to compile all of the knowledge of their era and civilization. 

Some of these attempts were little more than lists, and others were mind-bogglingly comprehensive. 

Learn more about the history of encyclopedias and the attempts to compile human knowledge on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.



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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Cameron Kieffer


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NPR's Book of the Day - ‘The Rachel Incident’ looks back on early-20s friendships, love and mistakes

The novel The Rachel Incident is rooted around a wonderful, messy friendship. Rachel and James live together, party, and get themselves into a peculiar situation with an older married couple. In today's episode, author Caroline O'Donoghue speaks with NPR's Miles Parks about how abortion and sexual repression in Irish society play a large role in Rachel's early adulthood. O'Donoghue also shares why it was important to her that the novel be told from an older Rachel's perspective, reflecting on her youth.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Acadian Expulsion (Encore)

Beginning in the 16th century, French settlers crossed the Atlantic to settle in a French colony located in the New World. That colony wasn’t modern-day Quebec, however. The colony was known as Acadia. 

When the British took control of Acadia in 1713, the Acadians were allowed to stay, but eventually, that privilege was revoked by the British, and those people were scattered to the winds. 

Today, the descendants of the Acadians can still be found all over the world. 

Learn more about Acadia and the Acadian Expulsion on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.



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Executive Producer: Charles Daniel

Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Cameron Kieffer


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The Indicator from Planet Money - The Indicator of the Year

By many measures, 2023 was a decent year for the U.S. economy, but that's not how people necessarily felt. So what economic story best defined the year? Soft landings? Hard feelings about the economy? An inhospitable housing market? Our hosts from Planet Money and The Indicator battle it out over which economic story best illustrates the year.

Tell us who won by submitting your vote via Planet Money's Instagram or email us with "Family Feud" in the subject line.

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Taking the temperature of the US consumer (Apple / Spotify)
A treacherous descent, what will the Fed do next? (Apple / Spotify)
When mortgage rates are too low to give up (Apple / Spotify)
Which economic indicator defined 2022?

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Potpourri: Incredible Coincidences

The dictionary defines a coincidence as “A sequence of events that, although accidental, seems to have been planned or arranged.”

We have probably all experienced coincidences of some type or another. However, there are coincidences, and then there are coincidences. There are cases that are so mind-bogglingly improbable that it would seem that they were fabricated. 

Yet, they are indeed true. 

Learn more about some of the world’s most incredible coincidences on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.



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NPR's Book of the Day - Erica Jong and daughter Molly Jong-Fast reflect on ‘Fear of Flying’

This year, the novel Fear of Flying — which broke all sorts of unwritten rules around marriage, sex, and women's bodily autonomy when first published — turned 50 years old. So for today's episode, we dug up a 1973 interview with author Erica Jong and NPR's Steven Banker where Jong speaks frankly about the constraints women felt at the time about making art, and how their husbands would be perceived as a result. Then, NPR's Sarah McCammon speaks with Jong's daughter, Molly Jong-Fast, about the legacy of Fear of Flying, second-wave feminism and the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

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The Indicator from Planet Money - What women want (to invest in)

Women lag behind men when it comes to investing. Combine this with the fact that women tend to earn less than their male peers and live longer, and it can create a waterfall of awful long-term consequences for half of America's population. Today, we speak to an author of an investing study who says he's found a solution.

For sponsor-free episodes of The Indicator from Planet Money, subscribe to Planet Money+ via Apple Podcasts or at

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Drop Electric. Find us: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Newsletter.

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60 Songs That Explain the '90s - “What’s Up”—4 Non Blondes

Rob indulges in outright negativity when focusing on some of the worst songs of the '90s before turning his attention 4 Non Blondes’ “What’s Up,” voted one of the worst songs of the '90s by Rolling Stone. Later, Rob is joined by journalist and host of ‘Fine Beats and Cheeses’ Leslie Gray Streeter to discuss how '90s music criticism discredited the music of 4 Non Blondes.

Host: Rob Harvilla

Guest: Leslie Gray Streeter

Producers: Jonathan Kermah and Justin Sayles

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