The Nod - The Fugitive

A little-known story of how one woman stood up to one of the most powerful men in American history. Her story comes to us from Uncivil, a history podcast from Gimlet where they go back to the time our divisions turned into a war, and bring you stories left out of the official history. 

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The Nod - Black in Fashion

In this week's BONUS, we have a conversation with Lindsay Peoples Wagner, Teen Vogue's newest editor-in-chief. Last summer, Wagner wrote Everywhere and Nowhere: What its really like to be black and work in fashion, where she interviewed more than 100 people about their experiences in the fashion industry. She talked about putting together that piece, and her own experiences in the fashion world with Molly Fischer, the host of Gimlet's newest podcast The Cut on Tuesdays. In this extended cut of their conversation, Wagner talks to Fischer about who has all the power in fashion, how hard it is to get your foot in the door, and the time one of her bosses asked her if her parents had been in slavery.

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The Nod - How to Make Free People

Writer and thinker Casey Gerald reflects on what we lose when we buy into the promise of the American dream. In his new book, “There Will Be No Miracles Here,” Gerald unravels his origin story, which was previously held up as a “rags to riches” tale, and tells his truth, which is much more complicated.

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The Nod - Ethiopian Lasagna and the Alchemy of Being Black

Writer Hannah Giorgis grew up eating lasagna the Ethiopian way, and she shows Brittany why that is the BEST way. Plus, author Michael Arceneaux describes his new book I Can't Date Jesus as "learning how to ho without the fear of God." He tells Brittany how he gets his life.


Music by Calid B, Cedric Wilson and Takstar.


Check out Hannah's recipe for Ethiopian lasagna.

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