Everything Everywhere Daily - The Other Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is known to almost everyone in the world. If he isn’t known, then his music certainly is. Even though he is one of the greatest composers in history, he was not the only musician in his family. In fact, according to some, he might not have even been the best musician in his family. Learn more about Maria Anna Mozart, the other Mozart, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Tokyo 2020: Medals and Records

Most coverage of the Olympics is very biased towards whatever country you happen to live in, and certain popular sports. Lesser sports and accomplishments from athletes in other countries may often be completely overlooked. So, I figured I’d give a recap of the Tokyo Olympics by putting my very special touch on it, and focus on the exceptional performances across all sports from this Olympics.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Queen Boudica

In the year 60, Roman forces on the island of Britain, the Roman town of Lunduniam, modern-day London, were attacked and sacked by a group of native Celts. They lashed out at the Romans over years of poor treatment abuse. When Romans lost Lunduniam, they were shocked and embarrassed, not just at the loss to a group of barbarians, but because those barbarians were led by a woman. Learn more about Queen Boudica on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Monty Hall Problem (Encore)

For over 30 years, Monty Hall was the host of the game show Let’s Make A Deal. In the show, they played a very simple game where you would choose one of three doors. This simple game has led to one of the most controversial and public kerfuffles amongst mathematicians, which caused many distinguished mathematicians to have egg on their face. Learn more about the Monty Hall Problem on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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the memory palace - Memory Palace Summer Reading: The Great Gatsby, Part 1

The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX.

In lieu of my usual re-runs filling out August, I’m doing something different: a full-reading of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, presented in three parts.

Music for Gatsby was composed and performed by Mary Lattimore. Find and buy her music at marylattimoreharpist.bandcamp.com

The cover art is from Jen Corace. See more of Jen’s work at jencorace.com.

Back with part two on August 12th.