Everything Everywhere Daily - May Day

Every year of May 1st, people all around the northern hemisphere celebrate the arrival of spring. A day we call May Day. But it is also the day that communist countries held military parades, and the Soviets would show off all of their military strength in public. Mayday is also the international distress signal for radio. How are these very different things all related? Learn more about May Day on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Mount Tambora Eruption

In 1815, one of the most catastrophic and deadly events in recorded human history occurred in Indonesia. A volcanic explosion took place which was larger than anything, any human had ever witnessed in over 10,000 years. The total death toll from the event might have been as high as a quarter-million people. Learn more about the Mount Tambora explosion on this Episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - J. Harlen Bretz: Proving Theories Via Outliving Your Critics

Many people have an idealized view of how science works. They think that someone makes a discovery or publishes a paper, then everyone acknowledges their discovery, and everyone moves on to the next thing. Science! However, that isn’t quite how things work in reality. The real advancement of science can be quite messy. One man learned this the hard way. Learn more about J Harlen Bretz and how he changed a scientific discipline through determination and longevity.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - ‘Mad’ Jack Churchill

When you think of battles involving broadswords and longbows you probably thinking back to the time of Braveheart. 

But what if I told you that those weapons were being used much more recently in a modern mechanized war? 

...well, at least one guy was using them in World War II.

Learn more about ‘Mad’ Jack Churchill, the man who brought ancient weapons to a modern war, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.




Associate Producer Thor Thomsen


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60 Songs That Explain the '90s - Dave Matthews Band—“Crash Into Me”

Rob explores Dave Matthews Band’s “Crash Into Me” by discussing the band’s immense musical prowess and artistry contrasted with their fandom’s reputation.

This episode was originally produced as a Music and Talk show available exclusively on Spotify. Find the full song on Spotify or wherever you get your music.

Host: Rob Harvilla

Guest: Yasi Salek

Producers: Isaac Lee and Justin Sayles

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