By Jasmine Gibson
Everything Everywhere Daily - The World’s Oldest Restaurant
Running a restaurant is a very difficult business. Most restaurants barely make a profit, and it isn’t unheard of for a series of restaurants to shuffle through the same building as one goes out of business after the other.
Longevity in the restaurant game is very difficult. Even if you manage to make your restaurant a success, you aren’t guaranteed that your children will want to take over the business.
There is one restaurant, however, which has managed to stay in business for almost 300 years.
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Audio Poem of the Day - This Most Perfect Hill
by Lisa Jarnot
Everything Everywhere Daily - Lingua Latina
“E Pluribus Unum”, “Habeus Corpus”, “Carpe Diem”, “Caveat Emptor”.
All of these phrases are known by most people, yet they come from a language that has been dead for 1500 years: Latin.
Latin is on our money, serves as mottos for universities, and is the
foundation for our entire naming system in biology. Many concepts from law and logic are all described by Latin phrases.
Learn more about Lingua Latina, the Latin Language on this episode of Totum Ubique Cotidie.
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Audio Poem of the Day - Queerodactyl
By Roy G. Guzmán
Everything Everywhere Daily - Who Was the 5th Beatle?
In 1964, New York City disc jockey “Murry the K” humorously dubbed himself the fifth Beatle due to his early promotion of the Beatles on his radio program.
Since then, almost two dozen other people have been dubbed the 5th Beatle due to their contributions to the band.
Some people dubbed the 5th Beatle was even given the moniker by members of the band themselves.
Learn more about the people who have been dubbed the 5th Beatle, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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Audio Poem of the Day - My Last Duchess
Everything Everywhere Daily - The Dodo Bird
In 1598 the Dutch Empire acquired the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.
There they found a short, fat, flightless bird that was only found on that island. The bird had absolutely no fear of humans, but perhaps it should have.
In 1662, just 64 years later, the last known bird was sighted, and after that, the entire species went extinct.
Learn more about the dodo bird and how it disappeared on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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Audio Poem of the Day - At the Un-national Monument along the Canadian Border
Everything Everywhere Daily - Alcohol in Early America
In the very days of the United States, the country was mostly made up of farmers.
They primarily ate the food which they grew, and maybe hunted to supplement their diet.
They also drank. Alcohol. A lot of alcohol. In fact, the amount of alcohol consumed by early Americans on average might have been more than any other people in human history.
Learn more about the alcohol consumption habits of early Americans on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.
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