Everything Everywhere Daily - Why Do Scandals End In “-gate”?

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I’m sure all of you are familiar with Watergate. You also might be familiar with Gamergate, Contragate, Pizzagate, Partygate, Chinagate, Deflategate, Sandpapergate, Winegate, and Chinagate. 

There are dozens and dozens more of these scandals which have all been named with the suffix -gate

But why do scandals get affixed with -gate in the English language, and where did the word originally come from?

Learn more about scandals ending in -gate, and why this suffix came to denote a scandal, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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NPR's Book of the Day - Book banning is seen in historical context in ‘Burn This Book’

For the first full week of Black History Month, we dove into our archives to bring you some older interviews by Black authors. The first is an interview from 2009 with writer Toni Morrison about a collection she edited from authors facing censorship called Burn This Book. This conversation is especially relevant today with many important books under scrutiny – and being pulled from library shelves and school curriculums. Morrison, whose books have also been banned in some places as recently as this year, told NPR's Liane Hansen that in some countries censorship can be far more serious.

Everything Everywhere Daily - The Birth of the Modern Olympic Games (Encore)

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Almost 2,800 years ago the Ancient Greeks held a sporting event every four years on Mount Olympus. 

The festival was part competition, part religious celebration, and it was considered so important that wars would come to a halt in honor of the games.

Then in the 19th century, one man came up with the idea of bringing the games back to life. 

Learn more about the Modern Olympic Movement on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Babbage Analytical Engine

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Computers have obviously transformed our world. You wouldn’t be listing to my voice right now if it wasn’t for computers. 

However, the first computers, a device that could perform arbitrary calculations, actually came well before electronics. It was made of gears, cogs, and levers, and it was able to perform mathematical calculations as well as run simple program. 

Learn more about Charles Babbage and his analytical engine, the world’s first mechanical computer, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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Everything Everywhere Daily - The History of the Submarine

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For thousands of years, humans have traveled on the water and have wondered if it was possible to travel under the water like a fish. 

The idea of underwater travel stuck around for centuries, but eventually, humans did figure out how to travel underwater, even if the first efforts were not successful. 

Learn more about the submarine, how it was invented, and how they work, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


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Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/everything-everywhere-daily-podcast/

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NPR's Book of the Day - Writers Lizzie Damilola Blackburn and Edmund White want to talk about sex

The first interview today is with debut novelist Lizzie Damilola Blackburn about her book, Yinka, Where is Your Huzband? The protagonist Yinka is constantly being hounded by her family to get married. But Damilola Blackburn tells NPR's Sarah McCammon that learning to love oneself first can be important. The second interview is with award-winning writer Edmund White who is out with a new book about sex. A Previous Life follows a couple – they are writing to each other about their romantic pasts. White told NPR's Scott Simon that though the book might offend some, he has always written this way.

Everything Everywhere Daily - The Dyatlov Pass Incident

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On February 25, 1959, a group of 10 hikers set out in the middle of the Russian Winter on what was to be a 10-day excursion into the wilderness. 

One of the hikers returned early. The other nine were never heard from again. 

Week’s later their bodies were found, and it spawned a mystery that researchers are still trying to solve. 

Lear more about the Dyatlov Pass Incident on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.


Associate Producers: Peter Bennett & Thor Thomsen


Become a supporter on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/everythingeverywhere

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Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EEDailyPodcast/

Website: https://everything-everywhere.com/everything-everywhere-daily-podcast/

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Curious City - People Who Quit Their Jobs During COVID Share Their Stories

By now you’ve probably pretty familiar with that term the “Great Resignation.” We asked our listeners why they quit their jobs and how they’re doing now. We heard from more than a hundred people who talked about burnout, stress and toxic workplaces. And we heard a lot about the fear and risk that comes with quitting a job you know. In this episode we share some of those stories.

Curious City - People Who Quit Their Jobs During COVID Share Their Stories

By now you’ve probably pretty familiar with that term the “Great Resignation.” We asked our listeners why they quit their jobs and how they’re doing now. We heard from more than a hundred people who talked about burnout, stress and toxic workplaces. And we heard a lot about the fear and risk that comes with quitting a job you know. In this episode we share some of those stories.

NPR's Book of the Day - How did humans get here? Historian Yuval Noah Harari is thrilled to tell you

Historian Yuval Noah Harari wrote a book back in 2015 that looked at the entirety of human history; from hunter-gatherers to space exploration. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind packs all of this into a mere 400 pages. Harari noted to NPR's Arun Rath that humans have done a great job cultivating power – but where we tend to fall short is translating that power into happiness.