A quick update and a brief little bonus episode.
the memory palace - Episode 123: Outliers
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.
- We hear Valentine My Funny by Nils Frahm and F.S. Blumm from the album Tag Eins Tag Zwei.
- This idea came to me a long time ago while researching an old episode. I read an extraordinary article from the 1890s that hung with me, particularly the notion of folks writing in to try to become sideshow attractions.
the memory palace - Big Block of Cheese – Bonus episode
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.
This special episode was originally made for a live episode of The West Wing Weekly. To hear a live version of this story (and the rest of a particularly delightful TWWW episode), visit thewestwingweekly.com.
- Moonbow by aAirial
- Two from scores by Marcelo Zavros: Wipe the Slate Clean, from The Beaver and Awkward Ride from his score to Please Give.
- Justine and Sami from Nathan Johnson's lovely score to The Day I Saw Your Heart.
the memory palace - Episode 122 (Hercules)
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.
- We start with Facing the Obstacles, from Robert Simonson's score to The Final Member.
- Nice Breeze Isn't It? by Simon Rackham
- The Things Left Unsaid, by Caleb Burhans.
- View from a Balcony by Isorinne.
- 1979 by Deru.
- The Julianna Barwick remix of This Will Destroy You's The Puritan.
- I found this article by Chelsea Lenhart particularly useful.
- As I did this one by Edward Lawler, Jr.
- And this one by Kathryn Gehred.
- As well as W.E.B. DuBois' The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study.
- Fritz Herschfield's George Washington and Slavery, A Documentary Study.
the memory palace - Episode 121 (The Nickel Candy Bar)
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.
- We hit two sections from Bernard Herrmann's score to Tender is the Night: The Embrace and The Breakdown.
- A bit of Sambolero by Luiz Bonfa.
- Labyrinth II by Caitlin Aurelia Smith.
- Walter Meets the Beaver from Marcel Zavros' score to The Beaver.
- Two tracks, "1" & "2" from AAESPO's album, Layers.
- Maria Arvos' Last Days of Summer.
- And Time Times Three by Palm.
- The most comprehensive article I encountered on Doug Davis is here.
- I found this biographical essay on Otto Schnering particularly useful.
- The Oxford Companion to American Food & Drink, edited by Andrew F. Smith.
the memory palace - Episode 120 (The Prairie Chicken in Wisconsin: Highlights of a Study of Counts, Behavior, Turnover, Movement, and Habitat)
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.
- We move between three different pieces from Camille Saint-Saens': Suite, Op. 90: II Menuet, and two from Carnival of the Animals: Aviary and the Cuckoo in the Heart of the Woods.
- We hit Juneau from Danny Bensi and Sander Jurriaans' score to Wildlike.
- And The Waltz from their score to 5 to 7.
- And there's a total gem from George Mukabi called Dila Ni Dila in there too.
- Do yourself a favor and read France Hamerstrom's autobiography, My Double Life: Memoirs of a Naturalist.
- Do your kids a favor and Jeannine Atkins take on Frances in her book Girls Who Looked Under Rocks.
- And then watch Frances teach David Letterman how to cook a snake.
the memory palace - Nate’s Episode of the Year: If You Have to be a Floor
Show Notes
Nate DiMeo is the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Artist in Residence for 2016/2017. He is producing ten pieces inspired by the collection and by the museum itself. This is the sixth episode of that residency.
This residency is made possible by the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Chester Dale Fund.
This episode is written and produced and stuff by Nate DiMeo with engineering assistance from Elizabeth Aubert. Its Executive Producer is Limor Tomer, General Manager Live Arts, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Special thanks to Jimmy LaValle and Mark Kozelek.
The Art Discussed
- Gallery 719, the Alexandria Ballroom.
- The piece features excerpts of two, instrumental outtakes from Ceiling Gazing from Mark Kozelek and Jimmy LaValle's album, Perils from the Sea.
- California Dawn and Mountain Path from WMD.
- An instrumental version of Retune by The Range.
the memory palace - Episode 119 (John C. Calhoun from the Opposite Side of the Line that Divides the Living from the Dead)
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.
- Sad Seine by Lambert.
- Titan's Island by Ancient Ocean
- Flowering Jasmine as performed by Georgs Pelicis and Gidon Kremer
- Malpensa by Julia Kent
- I first came upon the Calhoun bit while re-reading Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Rise of Spiritualism by Barbara Weisberg.
- Which us, among other places to J.H. Fowler's New Testament "miracles" and Modern "miracles"
- And to the delightfully named, The Ordeal of Life: Graphically Illustrated in the Experiences of Fifteen Hundred Individuals Promiscuously Drawn from All Nations, Religions, Classes, & Conditions of Men Alphabetically Arranged and Given Psychometrically, Through the Mediumship of John C. Grinnell, In the Presence of the Compiler, Thomas R. Hazard.
the memory palace - Episode 118 (On the Shores of Assawompset)
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.
- Musica Seqenza play Schreza Infida
- Frederico Durand plas Lluvia de Estrellas
- The Martin Hayes Quintet plays The Boy in the Gap
- East Forest by Provenance
- There's a bit of Madame Ovary from Bensi and Jurriaans and Christine
- It finishes on Three Dances: II. Pavane from Chromo Tuba Quartet
- Thanksgiving: The Biography of an American Holiday by James W. Baker and Peter J. Gomes sent me first down a Charlotte Mitchell rabbit hole.
- History of Plymouth, Norfolk, and Barnstable Counties, Massachusetts by Elroy S. Thompson
- History of the Town of Lakeville, 1852-1952 by Gladys De Maranville (which you probably own all ready but, here it is anyway).
- Indian History, Genealogy, Pertaining to the Good Sachem, Massasoit and his Descendants by Ebenezer Weaver Pierce.
- The great, The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity, by Jill Lepore.
- Massasoit of the Wamponoags: With Commentary on the Indian Character, by Alvin Gardner Weeks
- "Baby Pilgrims, Sturdy Forefathers, and One Hundred Percent Americanism: the Mayflower Tercentenary of 1920," by Christine Arnold-Lourie in the Massachusetts Historical Review.
- "The Daughter of a King," by Mike Maddigan in Southcoast Today.
- "The Last of the Wamponoags," by Charles T. Scott in New England Magazine, vol. 33.
- I also looked at a number of news paper articles, most found at Newspapers.com through the expected search terms.
the memory palace - Episode 117 (Elizabeth)
The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows.
- Up Niek Mountain by Peter Broderick
- El cascabel de plata by Federico Durand
- We hear just a little bit of imgs/ r by Kara-Lis Coverdale
- Dissolving Clouds by Biosphere
- Nebula by Julianna Barwick
- Only in the Dark by Ben Lukas Boysen
- Bittersweet: Diabetes, Insulin, & the Transformation of Illness by Chris Feudtner
- Breakthrough: Elizabeth Hughes, the Discovery of Insulin, and the Making of A Medical Miracle by Thea Cooper and Arthur Ainsberg
- I'd also recommend searching the New York Times archive for Elizabeth Hughes and Diabetes. It's remarkable to go back and watch the story unfold.