Everything Everywhere Daily - One Year Later….

On July 1, 2020, a world traveler who was grounded by an international pandemic made the business and personal decision to launch the podcast he wanted to listen to. One year later, he’s celebrating the one-year anniversary of his podcast. Learn more about years, anniversaries, and the Everything Everywhere Daily podcast on the one-year anniversary episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Milankovitch Cycles (Encore)

The Earth takes a year to go around the sun, and a day to turn on its axis. It is tilted 23.5 degrees which is what causes the seasons. All of these facts which you learned in school are true, but they are not permanent. They change, very slowly, over time. One astrophysicist in the 1920s figured out that all of these cycles could interact with each other, affecting the long term climate of the Earth. Learn more about Milankovitch Cycles on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Tuvalu: The Least Visited Country in the World

Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is one of the smallest countries in the world. The country has only one proper hotel and that has just 9 rooms. Once you visit the country, there is no car rental service, there isn’t an ATM machine anywhere in the country, and the entire country doesn’t take credit cards. Oh, and good luck trying to get online. Learn more about Tuvalu, the least visited country in the world, on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - A History of Blue Jeans

Unquestionably, the most popular clothing innovation of the last 150 years has been blue jeans. They can be found all over the world, yet they have become synonymous with American culture. While the modern blue jeans are definitely American, their origin actually goes back centuries earlier to Europe. Learn more about the history of blue jeans and how they became so popular on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Did We Already Find Life On Mars?

On July 20, 1976, Viking 1 became the first robotic lander to land on Mars. On September 3, its sister Viking 2 followed suit. Both of them carried experiments to test for biology on Mars, something which no subsequent Mars lander since has replicated. The results from these chemical experiments have divided researchers for decades and have been the cause of one of the greatest debates in planetary science.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The Lost City of Cecil B. DeMille

In 1990, filmmaker Peter Brosnan set out to find a legendary Egyptian city that was lost to time and buried by sand dunes. After years of battling local officials, he finally was given the approval to begin an archeological dig. What he found were 35-foot tall statues of the Pharoah Ramses II and enormous sphinxes weighing over 5 tons. Where did they make this discovery? Near Santa Barbara. Learn more about the lost city of Cecil B. DeMille on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - Absolute Zero

One of the interesting things about temperature is that no matter how cold you’ve ever been, or how low of a temperature anyone has ever achieved, you can always get colder, if only by a little bit. That is because temperature has an absolute barrier that can never be broken. Learn more about absolute zero and the attempts to get ever close to the impossible temperature on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Everything Everywhere Daily - The World’s Most Expensive Things

There is an old saying that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. But sometimes, one person’s treasure is just another persons’ treasure that they can’t afford. I’m talking about the realm of ultra-expensive items which would be more than most people would make in a lifetime. Items so expensive, that they usually make no financial sense to buy them whatsoever. Learn more about the world’s most expensive things on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily.

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Curious City - What’s Happening With Chicago’s Toxic Lead Service Lines?

Illinois passed a new law last month that sets a deadline for the state to replace all of its toxic lead service lines -- those pipes that deliver drinking water to our homes and park fountains. Curious City’s Monica Eng fills us in on how long it's going to take to get rid of all the lead lines.