Curious Citizen Linda Rudy wondered when ground is broken for building or repairs, is anyone there to look for treasure? We catch up with local archaeologists who’ve scoured everything from construction sites, to the White City, to ... grandpa’s outhouse.
Curious City - Is Construction Work A Boon For Chicago’s Urban Archaeologists?
Curious Citizen Linda Rudy wondered when ground is broken for building or repairs, is anyone there to look for treasure? We catch up with local archaeologists who’ve scoured everything from construction sites, to the White City, to ... grandpa’s outhouse.
Curious City - Who settles refugees on Chicago’s North Side?
Rogers Park resident Lowell Wyse noticed how diverse his neighborhood is, and wonders whether the city helps place international refugees there. If City Hall’s not, who is?
Curious City - Who settles refugees on Chicago’s North Side?
Rogers Park resident Lowell Wyse noticed how diverse his neighborhood is, and wonders whether the city helps place international refugees there. If City Hall’s not, who is?
Curious City - How Much Of The Field Museum’s Collection Is Actually On Display?
The bulk of its objects are out of sight, but not necessarily out of mind. Start with our behind-the-scenes view, and stick around for a surprising international backstory.
Curious City - How Much Of The Field Museum’s Collection Is Actually On Display?
The bulk of its objects are out of sight, but not necessarily out of mind. Start with our behind-the-scenes view, and stick around for a surprising international backstory.
Curious City - Why Ban Pickups from Lake Shore Drive? Where Can They Park in Chicago?
History suggests a Victorian-era prejudice against commercial traffic in Chicago parkways lurks behind a ban against pickup trucks on Lake Shore Drive. Should truck owners worry? And, where can they park, anyway?
Curious City - Why Ban Pickups from Lake Shore Drive? Where Can They Park in Chicago?
History suggests a Victorian-era prejudice against commercial traffic in Chicago parkways lurks behind a ban against pickup trucks on Lake Shore Drive. Should truck owners worry? And, where can they park, anyway?
the memory palace - Episode 49 (Dreamland)
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Curious City - How Has Chicago’s Coastline Changed Over The Decades?
Curious citizen Miriam Reuter wondered how Chicago's coastline has changed over the decades. We learn that from nature to industry and back again (sorta), the lakefront’s changed so much that city founders wouldn’t recognize it.