Land of the Giants - Did the algorithm make you watch Tiger King?

Netflix’s recommendation algorithm is supposed to find you TV and movies that you’ll like — and that will keep you paying for Netflix. But is Netflix really showing you stuff you want to watch, or just stuff that Netflix made?

Hosts: Peter Kafka & Rani Molla

This podcast is a production of Recode by Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network. This episode was produced by Zach Mack, Bridget Armstrong. Our editor is Charlie Herman. Gautam Srikishan engineered and scored this episode. Nishat Kurwa is the Executive Producer.

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Land of the Giants - Who really killed Blockbuster Video?

Netflix killed our trips to the video store and ushered in the streaming era. But when Netflix started out, it was a fraction of the size of Blockbuster. It should have been crushed, and almost was. What went wrong?

Hosts: Peter Kafka & Rani Molla

This podcast is a production of Recode by Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network. This episode was produced by Zach Mack, Bridget Armstrong. Our editor is Charlie Herman. Gautam Srikishan engineered and scored this episode. Nishat Kurwa is the Executive Producer.

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Land of the Giants - “Netflix is a team, not a family”

Is working on a team of all-stars, excellent pay, and unlimited vacation worth the stress of constant criticism from co-workers and the knowledge that your boss is considering whether to replace you? Netflix execs will tell you that their internal culture is the key to their success.

Hosts: Peter Kafka & Rani Molla

This podcast is a production of Recode by Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network. This episode was produced by Zach Mack, Bridget Armstrong. Our editor is Charlie Herman. Gautam Srikishan engineered and scored this episode. Nishat Kurwa is the Executive Producer.

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Land of the Giants - The Netflix Effect

In Land of the Giants: The Netflix Effect, Recode’s Peter Kafka and Rani Molla examine how Netflix got where it is today and whether or not it can maintain its streaming supremacy. Hear from Netflix’s founders and top executives as well as its competitors, critics and more - covering everything from its unusual internal culture to its battle with Blockbuster, its disruption of Hollywood and the upcoming streaming wars.

The series comes out on Tuesdays starting June 23rd.

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Land of the Giants - Amazon’s Middlewomen

Why do so many Amazon packages take a pitstop in the small town of Roundup, Montana? Find out in this episode of Reset, the new tech podcast from Recode and the Vox Media Podcast Network. Jason Del Rey and Reset host Arielle Duhaime-Ross discuss how Amazon's Marketplace has created some very unusual business opportunities.

If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to Reset for free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, StitcherOvercastPocket Casts, or your favorite podcast app to get new episodes every week.

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This is California: The Battle of 187 - Bonus Episode: Re-Pete

If you’ve listened to the first three parts of this podcast, you know former California governor Pete Wilson played a big role in setting the stage for Proposition 187. We tried to arrange an interview with him for months. And the day The Battle of 187 got released, we finally got a date on the calendar. So here’s a special bonus episode of our podcast, in which host Gustavo Arellano asks Wilson questions that have been bothering him forever. Like, who created that crazy “They Keep Coming” ad? And did undocumented families like Gustavo’s ruin California?

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This is California: The Battle of 187 - Ep. 3: Thank You, Pete Wilson

Just one day after the 1994 election, federal and state lawsuits are filed claiming 187 is unconstitutional. And though 187 finally dies for good in 1999, Latinos in California never forget it. Prop 187 inspired more Latinos than ever before to register to vote and to run for office in California. Now, 25 years after 187 passed, the Golden State's bluer than indigo. Host Gustavo Arellano ends our series with a last lingering question: Given President Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric, will we experience another 187 on a national scale? Produced in collaboration with Futuro Studios.

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This is California: The Battle of 187 - Ep. 2: Save Our State

In June 1994, 187 gets enough signatures to qualify for the California ballot. Proponents get support for the ballot measure through a new tagline: Save Our State. Latinos see 187 as an existential threat, so they organize school walk-outs and a march in Downtown Los Angeles. But undecided voters see the Mexican flags waved at the march as an invasion come to life. In November 1994, 187 passes and Governor Pete Wilson is reelected. Produced in collaboration with Futuro Studios.

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