Read Me A Poem Podcast - 06: Among Women

In the last episode of poetry month, we read a short poem from Marie Ponsot.

A true wit, Ponsot liked to write in challenging forms like the villanelle and the sestina. She found form more of a help than a hindrance and once said, “they are not restrictive. They pull things out of you. They help you remember.”

Read Me a Poem - “The Courage Of Shutting-Up” by Sylvia Plath

Amanda Holmes reads Sylvia Plath’s poem, “The Courage Of Shutting-Up.” Have a suggestion for a poem by a (dead) writer? Email us: If we select your entry, you’ll win a copy of a poetry collection edited by David Lehman.

This episode was produced by Stephanie Bastek and features the song “Canvasback” by Chad Crouch.

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Read Me a Poem - “Nod” by Walter de la Mare

Amanda Holmes reads Walter de la Mare’s poem, “Nod.” Have a suggestion for a poem by a (dead) writer? Email us: If we select your entry, you’ll win a copy of a poetry collection edited by David Lehman. Explore more poetry at our website,

This episode was produced by Stephanie Bastek and features the song “Canvasback” by Chad Crouch.

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Read Me A Poem Podcast - 05: Song

Song, later published as Flapper, is a beautiful love poem by D.H. Lawrence. First published in 1914, this poem is from the earlier phase of Lawrence’s work and is in a more traditional poetic style.

Lawrence cut a very interesting figure in the Modernist movement. He’s famous for his self-imposed exile, his sheer volume of work, and his possible polyamorous relationship in Taos, NM. He was a true original.

Read Me a Poem - “Because It’s Good to Keep Things Straight” by Kenneth Patchen

Amanda Holmes reads Kenneth Patchen’s poem, “Because It’s Good to Keep Things Straight.” Have a suggestion for a poem by a (dead) writer? Email us: If we select your entry, you’ll win a copy of a poetry collection edited by David Lehman. Explore more poetry at our website,

This episode was produced by Stephanie Bastek and features the song “Canvasback” by Chad Crouch.

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Read Me A Poem Podcast - 03: Brown Penny

Brown Penny, a charming poem by William Butler Yeats, is a favorite of mine. In this poem Yeats contemplates love. My favorite part of this poem is the line, “I am looped in the loops of her hair.” I imagine someone ensnared much like Mowgli was ensnared by Kaa in the Jungle Book.

Read Me A Poem Podcast - 02: The Geranium

The Geranium by Theodore Roethke was published in 1966 in Roethke: Collected Poems bringing renewed interest to one of the great American writers of poetry. A friend brought this poem, and Roethke, to my attention one day when she quoted, “vitamins, water, and whatever.” The phrase stuck in my mind, and I have loved this poem ever since.

You can read more about Roethke at the Poetry Foundation.

Read Me a Poem - “Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold

Amanda Holmes reads Matthew Arnold’s poem, “Dover Beach.” Have a suggestion for a poem by a (dead) writer? Email us: If we select your entry, you’ll win a copy of a poetry collection edited by David Lehman. Explore more poetry at our website,

This episode was produced by Stephanie Bastek and features the song “Canvasback” by Chad Crouch.

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