ABR's Poem of the Week - #1 – Kent MacCarter reads ‘Are You Ready to Go Superfast’.mp3

Welcome to 'Poem of the Week' with Australian Book Review. Each week a different poet will introduce and read his or her poem. Our inaugural 'Poem of the Week' is 'Are You Ready to Go Superfast?' by Kent MacCarter. ABR’s Poetry Editor, Lisa Gorton, introduces Kent who then discusses and reads his poem. You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'Are You Ready to Go Superfast?', by visiting our website: https://www.australianbookreview.com.au/poetry/poem-of-the-week/162-poem-of-the-week/2761-poem-of-the-week-are-you-ready-to-go-superfast-by-kent-maccarter