ABR's Poem of the Week - #6 – Judith Beveridge reads ‘As Wasps Fly Upwards’

Our sixth 'Poem of the Week' is 'As Wasps Fly Upwards' by Judith Beveridge. ABR’s Poetry Editor, Lisa Gorton, introduces Judith who then discusses and reads her poem which won the 2015 Peter Porter Poem Prize. You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'As Wasps Fly Upwards', by visiting our website: https://www.australianbookreview.com.au/abr-online/archive/2015/154-may-2015-no-371/2546-2015-peter-porter-poetry-prize-winner

ABR's Poem of the Week - #5 – Jacinta Le Plastrier reads ‘Neuroward2East’

Our fifth 'Poem of the Week' is ‘Neuroward2East’ by Jacinta Le Plastrier. ABR’s Poetry Editor, Lisa Gorton, introduces Jacinta who then discusses and reads her poem. You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'Neuroward2East', by visiting our website: https://www.australianbookreview.com.au/poetry/poem-of-the-week/162-poem-of-the-week/2830-poem-of-the-week-neuroward2east-by-jacinta-le-plastrier

ABR's Poem of the Week - #4 – Brendan Ryan reads ‘Outsider Pastoral’

Our fourth 'Poem of the Week' is ‘Outsider Pastoral’ by Brendan Ryan. ABR’s Poetry Editor, Lisa Gorton, introduces Brendan who then discusses and reads his poem. You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'Outsider Pastoral', by visiting our website:https://www.australianbookreview.com.au/abr-online/current-issue/163-november-2015-no-376/2786-outsider-pastoral-a-new-poem-by-brendan-ryan

ABR's Poem of the Week - #3 – Fiona Hile reads ‘Snakebite With Anecdote’

Our third 'Poem of the Week' is ‘Snakebite with Anecdote' by Fiona Hile. ABR’s Poetry Editor, Lisa Gorton, introduces Fiona who then reads her poem and discusses it. You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'Snakebite with Anecdote', by visiting our website: https://www.australianbookreview.com.au/poetry/poem-of-the-week/162-poem-of-the-week/2807-poem-of-the-week-snakebite-with-anecdote-by-fiona-hile

ABR's Poem of the Week - #2 – Peter Rose reads ‘The Subject of Feeling’

Our second 'Poem of the Week' is ‘The Subject of Feeling' by ABR Editor Peter Rose. ABR’s Poetry Editor, Lisa Gorton, introduces Peter who then discusses and reads his poem. ‘The Subject of Feeling’ is the title poem in Peter Rose’s latest collection which is out now from UWAP: http://uwap.uwa.edu.au/products/the-subject-of-feeling You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'The Subject of Feeling', by visiting our website: https://www.australianbookreview.com.au/abr-online/archive/2015/157-june-july-2015-no-372/2587-the-subject-of-feeling-a-new-poem-by-peter-rose

ABR's Poem of the Week - #1 – Kent MacCarter reads ‘Are You Ready to Go Superfast’.mp3

Welcome to 'Poem of the Week' with Australian Book Review. Each week a different poet will introduce and read his or her poem. Our inaugural 'Poem of the Week' is 'Are You Ready to Go Superfast?' by Kent MacCarter. ABR’s Poetry Editor, Lisa Gorton, introduces Kent who then discusses and reads his poem. You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'Are You Ready to Go Superfast?', by visiting our website: https://www.australianbookreview.com.au/poetry/poem-of-the-week/162-poem-of-the-week/2761-poem-of-the-week-are-you-ready-to-go-superfast-by-kent-maccarter

TLDR - #48 — Art Critics Love Us On Yelp

Brian Droitcour is a professional art critic, and a Yelp user. In 2012 he started using the popular review site to post his reactions to galleries and museums, using a distinctly un-art world-y voice. This week, Brian sits down with TLDR to talk about art, online criticism, parties and his unusual project.

To read Brian's Yelp reviews, click here. To check out Fifteen Stars, Brian's project for the New Museum, click here. If you like our show, please subscribe and review us on iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also follow Meredith and TLDR on Twitter.

TLDR - #47 – JebBushforPresident.com

CJ Philips and Charlie Rainwater bought JebBushforPresident.com back in 2008 -- but not because they're huge Bush fans or want to sell the address at a markup. With the 2016 election approaching, the pair have launched the site as a place for discussion, with a focus the URL might not suggest. This week, CJ and Charlie tell TLDR about what inspired their initial purchase, their plans for JebBushforPresident.com, and what a CJ and Charlie presidency would look like.

To join the discussion at JebBushforPresident.com, click here. To check out Santorum-2012.com, click here. If you like our show, please subscribe and review us on iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also follow Meredith and TLDR on Twitter.

TLDR - #46 – Episode 45 Redux

The last episode of TLDR was titled "Quiet, Wadhwa." It concerned a man named Vivek Wadhwa, but we did not ask him for comment. The episode was later removed.

This week we look at the controversy we've become a part of and our role in it.

To read Amelia Greenhall's original blog post, titled "Quiet, Ladies. @wadhwa is speaking," click here. To read Greenhall's post-podcast removal follow up, titled "I wrote about Vivek Wadhwa and you'll never guess what happened next!," click here. To read Vivek Wadhwa's rebuttal of episode #45 on Venture Beat, titled "My response to the podcast that unfairly attacked me," click here. To read Vivek Wadhwa's other response to the situation on South Asia Mail, titled "Perils of becoming a public figure," click here. To read Gawker and Gizmodo's coverage of the situation, click here and here. [Update: The Cate Huston article referenced was co-authored by Karen Catlin, and is notably titled "Tech’s Male ‘Feminists’ Aren’t Helping. To read, click here.]


TLDR - #44 – Prostitute Laundry

Charlotte Shane writes a TinyLetter called Prostitute Laundry, writing frankly and lyrically about her feelings, her relationships, her body and her sex lives -- both personal and professional. This week TLDR looks into women writing personal, voice-driven newsletters, sitting down with Charlotte, as well as writer Meaghan O'Connell, to talk about the kind of writing that you want delivered straight to your inbox.

To sign up for the Prostitute Laundry TinyLetter, click here. Meaghan O'Connell's birth story was published by Longreads, and you can read it here. Download "The Laugh of the Medusa," by Helene Cixous, here. If you like our show, please subscribe and review us on iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also follow Meredith and TLDR on Twitter.