Posted on March 2, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1045: Of Sport and Design Episode: 1045 A lesson in engineering design on the sports pages. Today, lessons in modern design from the sports pages.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250302.mp3
Posted on March 1, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1338: The Last Masts Episode: 1338 The century-long retention of masts and sails on steamships. Today, we wonder about sails on steam-powered ships.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250301.mp3
Posted on February 28, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1337: Frankenstein Episode: 1337 Frankenstein -- the monster of our obsessiveness. Today, we consider a favorite nightmare.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250228.mp3
Posted on February 27, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2429: The Birth of Betty Crocker Episode: 2429 The Birth of Betty Crocker. Today, America's First Lady of Food.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250227.mp3
Posted on February 26, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 3309: Shortwave Radio Episode: 3309 Shortwave Radio, the Original Information Super Highway. Today, we listen to the world.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250226.mp3
Posted on February 25, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 3308: Board Games Episode: 3308 Why do we play board games? Today, board games as models of the world.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250225.mp3
Posted on February 24, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1336: Big Diesel Engines Episode: 1336 In which Diesel engines violate their own metaphor. Today, a new breed of Diesel engines fights an old metaphor.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250224.mp3
Posted on February 23, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1335: Airships Episode: 1335 Santos-Dumas, Zeppelin, and the great airships. Today, we ride airships.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250223.mp3
Posted on February 22, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1334: Stone/Iron-Age Europe Episode: 1334 Watching Europe go from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Today, a story of wood, copper and iron.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250222.mp3
Posted on February 21, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1333: Energy is Pure Delight Episode: 1333 Energy is pure delight, the conservation of energy. Today, we chase a will-o-the-wisp.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250221.mp3