Posted on February 21, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1333: Energy is Pure Delight Episode: 1333 Energy is pure delight, the conservation of energy. Today, we chase a will-o-the-wisp.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250221.mp3
Posted on February 20, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2424: The National Institute of Standards and Technology Episode: 2424 The National Institute of Standards and Technology. Today, we measure things.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250220.mp3
Posted on February 19, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2882: Eliezer Ben Yehuda Episode: 2882 Eliezer Ben Yehuda and the Revival of Hebrew. Today, the revival of an ancient language.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250219.mp3
Posted on February 18, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 3307: Filmstrips Episode: 1332 Filmstrips, as used in schools from the 1920s through the 1980s. Today, filmstrips.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250218.mp3
Posted on February 17, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1332: Moment of Inertia Episode: 1332 Moment of inertia, secrecy, and satellite stability. Today, government secrecy sabotages an early satellite.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250217.mp3
Posted on February 16, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1331: The Mississippi Episode: 1331 The Mississippi and Mark Twain's time warp. Today, a River in 1883.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250216.mp3
Posted on February 15, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1330: Electric Lights Before Edison Episode: 1330 Electric lights in the 80 years before Edison. Today, we go looking for the first electric lights.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250215.mp3
Posted on February 14, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1329: Life in Outer Space — In 1698 Episode: 1329 16th Century scientist, Christiaan Huygens, looks for alien life. Today, an old inquiry into life on other planets.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250214.mp3
Posted on February 13, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2423: What’s New Episode: 2423 What's New? A Look at What it Means to be New. Today, what's new?Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250213.mp3
Posted on February 12, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2373: Two German Phrasebooks Episode: 2373 The Phrasebook: A Dangerous Invention. Today, UH scholar, Richard Armstrong tells us about German phrasebooks.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250212.mp3