Posted on February 1, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1322: Beating the System Episode: 1322 Five college degrees in six years: What does it mean? Today, some thoughts about beating the system.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250201.mp3
Posted on January 31, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1321: Century-Old Solar Collector Episode: 1321 A modern solar collector, a century before its time. Today, an idea whose time had not yet come.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250131.mp3
Posted on January 30, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2418: Luck and Las Vegas Episode: 2418 Quantifying the chance of losing at casino games. Today, luck and Las Vegas.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250130.mp3
Posted on January 29, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 3235: Verna Fields, “Mother Cutter” Episode: 3235 Gender, labor history, and the devaluation of film editing. Today, the mother of all film editors.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250129.mp3
Posted on January 28, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2822: Herodotus Episode: 2822 Herodotus describing historical events of 5th century BC, fantastical and entertaining component of The Histories. Today, we visit Herodotus.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250128.mp3
Posted on January 27, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1320: Intellectual Misdirection Episode: 1320 Today, we wonder where to look for our new widget. Intellectual misdirection: looking inside and outside our heads for knowledge.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250127.mp3
Posted on January 26, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1319: Differential Analyzer Episode: 1319 Vannevar Bush and the great Rockefeller Differential Analyzer. Today, a eulogy for a machine.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250125.mp3
Posted on January 25, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1318: Three-Field Rotation Episode: 1318 Three-field crop rotation and the origins of Western technology. Today, putting horses to work proves harder than we might think.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250124.mp3
Posted on January 24, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 3305: An Inland Seaport Episode: 3305 An inland shipping port expands our vision of seaports. Today, an inland seaport.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: eng3305_64k.mp3
Posted on January 23, 2025Engines of Our Ingenuity - The Engines of Our Ingenuity 2414: Intuition Versus Numbers Episode: 2414 Using numbers in baseball and business. Today, intuition, or numbers.Attached audio [audio/mpeg]: KUHF_20250123.mp3