Chicago once had a booming commercial fishing industry. Lawrence’s Fish and Shrimp is one of the last vestiges of that industry.
Curious City - Who Is Billy Sunday In The Popular Sinatra Song, ‘Chicago?’
Billy Sunday was an influential preacher within the American evangelical movement. How'd he end up in a song sung by Sinatra?
Curious City - How Political Clout And Union Power Created Chicago’s Lead Water Problem
Chicago continued to use lead pipes long after many cities banned them. We look at the politics and personalities behind it.
Curious City - Daley vs. Little Italy: Did The Mayor Drop UIC On The Neighborhood Out Of Spite?
Why did Richard J. Daley push for the UIC campus to rise from the heart of a long-standing ethnic neighborhood? In this special Curious City presentation, reporter Monica Eng examines the pervasive suspicion that the mayor’s choice rose from a political spat or — even worse — from disdain for the Italian-American community. Click here for the full story.
Curious City - Daley vs. Little Italy: Did The Mayor Drop UIC On The Neighborhood Out Of Spite?
Why did Richard J. Daley push for the UIC campus to rise from the heart of a long-standing ethnic neighborhood? In this special Curious City presentation, reporter Monica Eng examines the pervasive suspicion that the mayor’s choice rose from a political spat or — even worse — from disdain for the Italian-American community. Click here for the full story.
Curious City - Hidden in Plain Sight: Inside Downtown Chicago’s Windowless, Doorless Buildings
Here’s a peek at what goes on inside some of these “mystery buildings” and how their architectural disguises have evolved over the decades.
Curious City - Hidden in Plain Sight: Inside Downtown Chicago’s Windowless, Doorless Buildings
Here’s a peek at what goes on inside some of these “mystery buildings” and how their architectural disguises have evolved over the decades.
Curious City - This Synagogue’s Story Mirrors The History Of Jewish Migration Across Chicago
We trace one synagogue’s migration, from the Maxwell Street neighborhood to North Lawndale to West Rogers Park.
Curious City - What Happened To The East Chicago Residents Forced Out By Pollution?
More than 1,100 people had to move due to pollution. We follow two of them as they fight to find housing.
Curious City - What Are The Costs Of Chicago’s Air And Water Show?
The city says the show generates millions of dollars in business. But some listeners wonder whether it’s worth the environmental costs.