the memory palace - Episode 90 (A White Horse)

The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows. Learn more at

Notes and Reading: * Most of the specific history of the White Horse was learned from "Sanctuary: the Inside Story of the Nation's Second Oldest Gay Bar" by David Olson, reprinted in its entirety on the White Horse's website. * "Gayola: Police Professionalization and the Politics of San Francisco's Gay Bars, 1950-1968," by Christopher Agee. * June Thomas' series on the past, present, and future of the gay bar from Slate a few years back. * Various articles written on the occasion of the White Horse's 80th anniversary, including this one from SFGATE.Com * Michael Bronski's A Queer History of the United States. * Radically Gay, a collection of Harry Hay's writing. * Incidentally, I watched this interview with Harry Hay from 1996 about gay life in SF in the 30's multiple times because it's amazing.

Music * We start with Water in Your Hands by Tommy Guerrero. * Hit Anne Muller's Walzer fur Robert a couple of times. * Gaussian Curve does Talk to the Church. * We get a loop of Updraught from Zoe Keating. * We finish on Transient Life in Twilight by James Blackshaw

ABR's Poem of the Week - #19 Campbell Thomson reads ‘Lament for “Cape” Kennedy’

In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Campbell Thomson reads 'Lament for "Cape" Kennedy'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Campbell who then reads and discusses his poem. You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read 'Lament for "Cape" Kennedy' by visiting our website: Intro music by

the memory palace - Episode 89 (Family Snapshot)

The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX.


Music * First up is The Homeless Wanderer from Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou off of the Emahoy (Piano Solo) album, number 21 in the unimpeachable Ethiopiques series. * Then we get some of To the Right the Enemy, to the Left the Sea from Simon Rakham. * We finish with Stellify by Francesco Albanese.

Notes * The bulk of the non-technical details from this one comes from Charles Duke’s highly readable memoir, Moonwalker: The True Story of an Astronaut Who Found That the Moon Wasn’t High Enough to Satisfy his Desire for Success. He’s a wonderful story teller and an amiable literary companion. I’ll also note that the end of the book, the last few chapters or so, are really a wonderful, clear-eyed, deeply felt story of how, first, Dottie’s faith, and then Charles’ set the course of the rest of their lives. If that’s the sort of thing that interests you, I really do recommend the book.

ABR's Poem of the Week - #18 – Alicia Sometimes reads ‘Universality’

In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Alicia Sometimes reads 'Universality'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Alicia who then reads and discusses her poem. You can find out more about 'Poem of the Week', and read Universality’ by visiting our website: Intro music by

the memory palace - Episode 88 (Open Road)

The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX.


* Up top, looped, is the first bit of the great, Foreign Fields, by Kacy Hill. * Then we hear some of Sun Will Set, by Zoe Keating. * The song on the radio is Sonny Thompson’s Long Gone, as heard on the Mellow Blues album.

Notes * You can read all of the 1948 Green Book (and the rest of the Green Books) at the New York Public Library’s fantastic digital collection.